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Page:Fasti ecclesiae Anglicanae Vol.2 body of work part 2.djvu/294

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from tho archbishop on the 1 8 th Nov. and the tem- poralities 13th Dec. in the same year 1 , and was con- secrated 6th Feb. 1361-2 5 . He was translated to Worcester. 1365 Thomas Teillek or Tbilleg, dean of St. PauPs,

39 Ed. III. London, having been elected by the monks, was pro- moted to tho see of Rochester by bull of provision dated 6th March 1363-4. He was consecrated :6th May 1364 by cardinal Gkiido? ; received the spiritual- ities x Cal. A hit- (-3rd duly 1 in that year, and tho temporalities 6th Feb. i 364-5 \ He died at tho end of Dec. 1372. His will, dated 11th Dec. 1372, was proved (rd Jan. following 9 . The archbishop of Can- terbury issued his license to elect a bishop in the room of Thomas Trilleg on the 27th Dec. 1372, and the monks chose John - de Hebtley, prior of Rochstter; but the l'opo set aside the election, and appointed 1373 Thomas Di Hki\ 1 n\r, </ />'<>.<//>///,, moid- at Norwich,

48 Ed. 111 ] )V his bull <>t* 31st Jan. 1372 3 10 ; he received tho spiritualities from the archbishop 20th March in that year, and the temporalities from him 8th April 1373; and the King, having received the fealty of the said bishop 2 1st Oct., restored the temporalities to him on that day 11 . He died in 1389, and was buried in the parish church of Scale in Kent 1 -'. His will is dated 30th Aug. 1389 18 . John Baenet was elected, and received the King's per-

relative to the solemnization of Reg. Islip. f. 245.

the marriage of the prince of " Keg. Trilleke. Others state

Wales with the countess of Kent, that he was consecrated 5th Jan.

dated Oct. 136 1, this bishop is 1364-5.

thus addressed, " "Williclrao de 8 Pat. 39 Edw. III. p. 1. m. 34.

"NYitleseye Roffensi ecclesiarum, 9 Rf<x. Wittles. f. 126.

auctoritate apostolica electis con- 10 ii Kal. Feb. 1372-3. Reg.

firmatis." Wittles. f. 138.

  • Pat. 35 Edw. III. p. 3. m.3. 11 Pat.48EdV.IILp.Xm.i7.

Reg. Wittles. Roff. " Reg. Weaver, p. 325.

6 ii Non. Mar. Pont. 2. Urb.V. 13 Reg. Courtn. f. 231.

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