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to York. His Majesty's conge dYlirc, vice Nicholas Heath, issued 26th April i544 : ; in pursuance of which,

1544 II 1 : n it v Holbeach, dean of Worcester, suffragan bishop 36H.VIII. of Bristol 68 , the King's almoner, was elected 3rd May 1544. and received the royal assent to his election on the 26th of the same month 69 ; his Majesty's signifi- cavit to the archbishop is dated 27th May"", lie was confirmed 9th June, consecrated 18th June? 1 , and the temporalities were restored t<> him on tho 30th of the same month?*. In 1547 1"' was translated to Lincoln. The royal license to elect a bishop, \i>- Henry Holbeach, translated to Lincoln, is dated ist Aug. 1547 .

1547 Nicholas Ridley, S.T.P., was elected, and obtained 1 Edw.vi. the royal assent 14th Aug. 1547 74 . He was conse- crated 4th Sept." ami the temporalities were restored t<> him on the i~\\\ of the same month". lie was translated to London in [550, and the spiritualities of the see of Rochester were s< ized into the hands of the archbishop 18th April 1 -,50".

1550 John Poynet or Pouri i was nominated by the King's .1 K.lv. VI. letter 8th March 1 - ) 49- v 5c" s , and appointed 6th June J 55~ - pursuant to statute 1 Kdw. VI. ; he was con- secrated on the 29th of the same month 80 , and obtained restitution of the temporalities the next day 81 . He was translated to Winchester 23rd March

��67 Pat.36 Hen. VIII. p. 2.111.41. " Reg. Cramn. f. .3^ 1 .

68 He was consecrated suffra- "' Pat. 1 Edw.VI. p. 1. m. 5.

gan bishop of Bristol 24th March " Reg. Cranm.

1537-8, by John bishop of Ro- " [bid. f. 330.

cheater. Reg. Cranm. f. 215. Pat. 4 Edw.VI. p. 1. m. 17.

  • Pat. 3r)Hen. VIII. p. 2.111.41. f(l Reg. Cranm. f. 330. The

r " Ibid, royal Bignificavit to the archbi-

71 Reg. Cranm. shop i^ dated 27th June. Pat.

"- Ibid. 4 Edw.VI. p. 1. m. 17.

Pat. 1 Edw.VI. p. 1. m. -. 81 It was ordained in the privy

r4 Ibid. council, on the 29th of June, that

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