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Page:Fasti ecclesiae Anglicanae Vol.2 body of work part 2.djvu/310

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��William de Tbiplow succeeded in 1245.

Philip in 1254.

William de Saxcto Mabtino occurs in 1267, and

died in I274 : '. Joiix de S w< 'to Dionvsio held it in 1 274 and 1280" 1 . Roc.i 1: Wesi \h.wi in 1294 and [304. William Hi ndey, i 306. Rogi 1; Lovi 1 or Rowell, [307. Died about 1327,

archdeacon of Bedford. Petbus Sanctj Potentianj Cabdinalis, 1322. William Dene, 1323, [332, and 1338. Walteh Pateshall, 1339 and 1344. William Reade was from this dignity made bishop

of Chichester in 1 369. W [i 1 1 am \\'i \i.(m k, 1376. Rogeb l)i \i oiii) held it in 1390. Thom \.b Hi 1 1 s, i J96. Thomas m Bot 1 11 -11 wi. 1397. William Hundi k, LL.B., 1401. Richard Beoun alias Cobdom held it in 1416, occurs

142 1. and died in 1452.

John Low occurs possessed of it in 1 4 ", 2 , and in 1467 \\a> one of bishop Low's executors.

Rogeb Rothebam was no doubt presented by bishop Rotheram before his translation to Lincoln in 147 1 - He died about 1477, archdeacon of Leicester.

IIknky Shabp, LL.D., in i486. He died in [489.

Hi m;v 1'u) am. provost of Wi m, held it in 1495. 1 [is will is dated 3rd Dec. 1505. He was collated to the prebend of ( raia Minor (in the diocese of Coventry and Lichfield) 8th Nov. [480, which was voided by his death in 1520.

Nicholas Metcalfe held it in 1515. He died in

537- Maurice Griffitb succeeded about 1537. Made bi- shop of this see in 1554.

��\nnal. Wigom. " 4 Pat. 8 Edw. I. m. i -.

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