Jan. 1694-5, on 1 1 1 * death of Thomas Lambert. Ob.
1 st Nov. 17 10. John IIoadi.kv, collated 6th Nov. 1710, on the death
of Kelsej . Joseph Sage a, installed 23rd Sept. 17-;. Samuel Rollaston, collated and installed 1 ath July
1732. William Whitwobth, A.M., collated 22nd and in- stalled 24th May 1766, by the death of Samuel liol-
laston. Chain. 1 a Dai BENT, LL.B., installed >t h June 1^04,
by the death of William Wbitworth. LlSCOMB] Claeki , M.A., installed 27th July 1 S 2 7 , by
the death of Charles Daubeny. l-'i;.\\t is Leae, 2cth Dec. [836, vice Liscombe Clarke. Wii.i 1 am Edwaed Hony, 3rd Aug. 1846, vice Francis
This archdeaconry is rated lor first fruits at 70?. us. Sd. 3S
Uockr, by the title of archdeacon of It" mi wbury, was a
witness to a deed dated vii Id. Decombr. (7th Dec.) 115739.
Reginald Fitz-Joceline seems to have been pos- sessed of this dignity before he became archdeacon of Salisbury 40 .
William, archdeacon of Wilts, was witness to a deed of bishop Hubert Walter, which must be between 11 88 and 1 1 93 i x .
Richakd, archdeacon of Wilts, died about 1203 ; for in that year the king confirms a grant made to Wimundus
��38 Ecton, p. 309. 40 Epist. S. Tho. lib. 3. Ep.91.
39 Reg. Ebor. Cotton. Clau- 4I Reg. Osmundi. dius, B. 3.
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