Page:Fasti ecclesiae Anglicanae Vol.2 body of work part 2.djvu/359

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Iswin de Gandavo was collated iv Id. Mar. (12th)

1325-6 : void by the death of Gerard 59 . He resigned

the year following. Robert dk Baldob had this dignity conferred on him

by papal provision in 1326, but refused it'". Robert de Ayi.i.ston was collated 13th March 61

1326-7 : void by Robert de Baldok'a renouncing his

pretensions' RALPB DE Qi thksdon was confirmed by the King in

this dignity 26th Sept. [332, and again 8th Aug.

1333 63 - John de Whitchuich me confirmed by the King in

this dignity 24th July 1338 64 . He possessed it 21st

May 1340'".

John H \ 1; \ 1 was collated 30th June 1343: void by the

resignation of Whitchurch 66 . He held it 27th Aug.


John Lini.den was collated 26th Dec. 1360: void by

the death of John Barne'". John Silvester was collated 27th Dec. 1361 : void by

the cession of John Lineden 68 . John DE CoDEFOBD was possessed of it in the year

1367. Ho occurs again in 1379 69 . Nicholas Wicham or Wykbham was collated 7th

Dec. 1388" . He was archdeacon of Wilts in 1385

and 1388" 1 . Richard Magot was collated 17th March 14067:

void by the death of Nicholas Wicham"-. John Chitterne was collated 21st April 1407: void

by the cession of Magot" 3 . His appointment was ra-

��59 Reg. Sarum. 67 Reg. Sarum.

6 Reg. Martival. 6S Ibid.

61 Pat. 19 Edw. II. p. 2. m. 15. 69 Rymer, vol. vii. p. 228.

62 Reg. Martival. " Reg. Sarum. fi 3 Pat. 6 Edw. III. p. 2. m.14. 71 Instit. Wilton. 64 Pat. 11 Edw. III. p. 2. 7 - Reg. Sarum. fi5 Reg. Sarum. 73 Ibid.

66 Ibid.

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