Page:Fasti ecclesiae Anglicanae Vol.2 body of work part 2.djvu/380

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Richard di Ayremyn was collated xvii Oal. Aug.

(16th July) 1329s 3 . Elias hi. S. Albano was collated 19th April 1340";

he held it in 1349 . Simon di Sudbuby enjoyed this dignity in 1360 Job n Nob i on held it in [366 and 137 - \k holas di Wykeham, archdeaoon of Winchester, waa

chancellor here in 1380. John Norton occurs chancellor znd Sept. i3^5 38, ^' s

will is dated in 1402. Walteb Medeford waa collated 26th Sept. 1402*

and admitted 7th Oct.: void b) the death ofNorton '.

He exchanged it for the archdeaconry of Sarum, 14th

I > c. 14:4. with Hi \uv Chi, be ley, LL.D., who was admitted 14th

Dec. 1404, by way of exohanj . ratified 12th Oct.

1406 ". In 14 ~ he waa made biahop of St. David'a 43 . William Faryi g i oh held the office 1 8th May 14c , William C [eley, ratified 20th May , waa

Btyled -i-, Deo. 1415 He became archdeacon of

< interbury in 1 4:0. John Stafford, LL.D., archdeacon </

]>) 2nd Dec. 1420 46 , and collated y tli Oct.

1 4: i : void bj the n tignation of ( Ihichi John Fyton waa collated ~th March 14:1-2: \<>i.l bj

the resignation of John Stafford |s . Rn hard Praty, S.T.P.,waa collated 20th Sept. [432: id by the death of John Fyton '. In [438 he was

made biahop < f ( !hi<

��am. [bid. Pat. 10 Hen. IV.

R I . lh vill. -u Pat. 1 1 1 1' 1 . I\'. p. 2. in. 19.

.Gyndwelle, Episc.Linc. * 1 I [ford, Episc. Lond.

a " Reg. Bokyngham. el I; .;. ChicheL f. a

~i. mi. Jl ' Keg. Flemii

' Ibid. 11' g. Cbaundekr.

am. " i im. ->' Pat. Mien. IV. p. i. m.37. Nevill.

et Rcu r Arundel, f. .-,13. r ' Pat. lf> Hen. VI. p. 2. in. KJ. '- Pat. 9 Hen. IV. v . 2. m. -

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