Page:Fasti ecclesiae Anglicanae Vol.2 body of work part 2.djvu/386

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Thomas Lushington to the prebend of Beminster Se- cunda, vice Richard bishop of Oxford resigned, 10th June 163 I.

Robert Tomson or Tounson t<> the prebend of High- worth, on the d< ath of Thomas Fuller, in 1

John Tounsok to the prebend of Highworth, on the death of Robert Tounson, in 16 13.

Richard Chandleb ua-. collated to a canonry in this church 28th April 1 634.

Brian Duppa, S.T.P., " if Christ Church, Oxford, to the prebend <>t' Brixworth, vice Francis Dee pro- moted to the see of Peterborough, 2 1 -t M .\ i< ;4.

William Chillingworth, A.M., to the prebend of Brixworth, \ ice Brian Duppa, promote d t<> Chichester, b June 1638.

A 1 i.\ wiM i; 1 1 1 in . I- 1, 1 .. was collated to a canonry in this church 4th March [638-9.

.John Pri w i k to tli j n ' ad <jf Netherbury in Ec 6ia, 1 9th duly 1 Vjo. Thomas Lockei t<> the prebend of Beminster Prima,

list July 1660. John L11 lech to the prebend of Ruscomb, 21st July

1660. Richard 1 1 \ i 1 to the prebend of Warminster, 2 ^th

Jnlv 1660. Thomas Hi \< hmak to the prebend of Slape, 25th

July 1660. Anthony Hawles to the prebend of Bitton, 25th

July 1660. Henry Kinninmonde to the prebend of Bishopstone,

4th Aug. 1660. William Payne to the prebend of Ohardstock, 4th

Aug. 1660. Henry Carpenteb to the prebend of Yetminster

Prima, [6th Aug. 1660. Jeremiah Stevens to the prebend of Ilfracombe, 20th

Au?. 1660. Thomas Bourman, S.T.D., to the prebend of Beminster

Prima, 23rd Aug. 1 1 So.

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