Joseph Matthews, S.T.B., to the prebend of Yet-
minster Prima, 16th Oct. 1662. Edmund Sly was collated to a oanonry in this church
26th Feb. 1 6633. John Durell was collated to a cauonry in this church
^ 1 at March [66a- ;. Thomas Gi orgi b, S.T.P., was collated to a oanonry in
this church I si April [663.
Francis Bayly t * the prebend of Lyme and llal- stook, - [si Aug. i6(
Thomas Him. t<> the prebend of Bitton, 23rd Jan. 1663 4
Kn hard Ki \ r to the prebend of Major pars Altaris, installed 2 1 -t June 1064.
Joshi 1 ( 'mi dr] 'i to tin- prebend of Yetminster Prima, installed : 1 b1 June 1664.
Charles Picrerxng, collated to [Ifracombe 8th Feb., installed : ;rd Feb. 1 '>'>4 5.
Richard Drake to the prebend of Bricklesworth, in- stalled :4th Feb. 16645.
Charles Pickering to the prebend of Gillingham
Major, instilled jrd Am'. 1665.
Thomas Lawreni i to the prebend of [Ifracombe, in- stalled 30th Aug. 1665. Thomas Lam iu:rt to the prebend t' < hrantham South,
installed 3rd Feb. 1665-6. James Gardinei to the prebend of Stratton, 3rd Feb.
1665-6. Richard Hyde to the prebend of Grantham North,
27th March 1666. Hi( hard Watson to the prebend of Warminster Ec-
olesia, -iyth March 1666. Thomas Hyde to the prebend of Yetminster Secunda.
- 4th Dec. 1666.
John Nicholas, collated to Lyme and Halstoek 14th.
installed 15th May 1667. Thomas , collated to Fordington, installed 24th
June 1667. William Lloyd, collated to Woodford and Welford
1 6th Dec. 1667, installed 6th Feb. 1667-8.
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