John Coi.et, or Collet, S.T.P., prebendary of Mora,
succeeded in May 1505. He died at Sheen in Surrey,
1 6th Sept. 15 19, a?tat. 53, and was buried in the south
aisle of the choir of St. Paul's. 1 !< was the founder of
Paul's school in 151a 28 .
Richard Pace, prebendary of HolyiceU, was elected 2<th Oct. 15 1 9, and confirmed by the bishop 27th Nov. following. He was also dean of Exeter, and died at Stepney in \$$2, and was buried in the ohana I of that parish church. After his death this deanery continued void about four years.
Richard Sampson, bishop of Chichester, was elected dean of this church :4th July i.',/>, and confirmed by the bishop 27th of the Bame month Be quitted it in 154c, and became bishop of Lichfield in 15423.
John [ncent or Iwncivr. LL.D., />r< l>< n<lary of
WUdland, was elected 4th June 1540. and confirmed
the lothofthe same month . He died before 12th
Sept- 1545- William May. LL.D., preb\ ndary ofChamb\ rlainswod .
was dieted 8th Feb. 1 345-6, and in the 1st of queen
Mary he was deprived. He also held the prebend of
Jou\ Di Fkcki \h.\m alias Howman, on the depriva- tion of William May. was elected to this deanery 10th March 15534; and in Nov. 1556 ho was re- moved hence, and made abbot of Westminster. He held the prebend of Kentish Town.
Hi \i; v Coi i;,LL,D. and S. T.l * ..prebendary ofWenlakes- barn, was elected 1 ith Dec. 1556, and in the 1st of queen Elizabeth he was deprived. He was buried 4th Feb. 1579, setat. Hj.
William Mat was restored to this dignity, and re-
��28 Is magnificam in ecclesia praeceptorem primum pra?fecit.
Paulina scholam, quae etiamnum Wharton de decanis Londinen-
maximopere floret, fundavit anno sibus, p. 2^4.
i;,i2, sumptuque 4500 librarum Reg Stokesley.
absolvit, et "Willelmum Lilium M Reg. Bonner.
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