\\'i i.i.iAM was archdeacon of London in or about 1 136 43 .
Ho held it in 1 1 50 ' '. Robert de Sigillo is said to have held this office in
1 140. GaUFBIDUS, I 161 ' '.
Rad. Di Visci held it in 1162.
Nicholas also enjoved it in 1 162 "'.
Ralph de Dn i i<> held the office about i\6] and 1 168':.
Nk solas was archdeacon here in ei8i 48 and 1 185 49 .
l'i mi; of Blois or Blesensib 50 was present, when archdeacon of London, at th<- making of a statute b\ Ralph de I ticeto, the dean, anno 1 192 ; . He was also ]>i-. bendary of Hoxton. He was deprived of his arch- deaconry. He is said to have been also archdeacon of Canterbury
Walteb lii/W mm k was archdeacon of London in 1 197 .
��A - The archdeacon "f London took precedence of the real of
the archdeacons of this din. and had the tir-t Mall on the left side of the choir opposite to the deans.
4;t Mmi. Angl. vol. 1. p. 44 s .
- Reg. Dec. et Capit. lib. B.
fol. 3S<
-* Rvmer, vol. i. p. i s .
"' MS. Raw]. B. 37a. Bodley.
- ' Kpist. Thorn. Cant. 130. et
Ymag. Hist. cap. ,-,-54.
Reg. Dec. et Capit. Lib. A. fol. 23.
4; ' AngL Sacr. pars i. p. 346. In a letter to pope Innocent (Ep.123.) he thus writes: "Nam archidiaconatus ille draco est, non habens unde possit vivere nisi vento. Ille siquidem honor
��est in solis et nudis et puiis in- tellectibns. Nam cum suit in ilia civitate xi. millia lmmimim atque exx ecrieaiae ; nee a LaiciB deeimas vel primitias vel oblationes, quamvis sacerdotio fungar accipio, nee ah aliqua ecclesiarum synndalia vel cathe- draticum sive proenrationes, nee auxilia seu hospitia, nee aliquae consuetudinee debitas archidia- conis possum elicere a sul)j 1 Prsecipite, qnseso, Eliensi et W'mtoniensi episcOpia ; ut ad locum accedant, et secundum Btatum aliorum archidiaconorum istam ordinent."
H Lib. L. fol. 57.
M See vol. i. p. 38.
53 Stow' s Survey, vol. 1. b. ii. P- 97
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