by the resignation of W. Clyff '. He resigned in the following year.
Richard Gwent, S.T.P., was collated 19th Dec. 1534: void 1))' the resignation of Bedyll'- 1 . lie was also archdeacon of Huntingdon and prebendary of Toten- hale, and died about July 154 1 ,.
Edward Mowle or Moyle, prebendary of Chistoick, was collated 23rd July 154/, ! void by the death of Gwent ;) . He resigned it 29th Oct. following on be- coming archdeacon of Essex.
Jon\ Wymmesley or Wymmislet, LL.1J., was col- lated 29th Oct. 1543 : void by the resignation of Mowle 1 . He resigned in 1.554 on being made arch- deacon of Middlesex '.
Jonx Harpsfield, S.T.P., was collated 27th April J554: void by the resignation of Wymmesley 6 . He was also dean of Norwich and prebendary of Mapes- bury ; was deprived in the beginning of queen Eliza- beth's reign. He died in 1578, and was buried in the church of St. Sepulchre, London.
Joiix Mn.i.ixs, Molens or Moi.ixs, S.T.B., prebendary of Kentish-toxcn, was collated 13th Dec. 1559: void by the deprivation of Harpsfield". He died xi Cal. Jun- (22nd May) 1 59 1, and was buried in the north aisle of the choir of St. Paul's cathedral.
Theophilus Ayi.mi ft, Aelmeb or Elmer, A3!., was collated ist June 1591 : void by the death of John Mullins 8 . He died in Jan. 1625, and was buried at Much-Hadham in Hertfordshire.
��1 Reg. Stokesley, f. 19. been archdeacon here about 32
2 Ibid. f. 25. Hen. VIII. Gilbert Bourn, af- z Reg. Bonner, f. 144. tenvards bishop of Bath and
4 Ibid. f. 145. Wells, was, according to God-
5 John Fox, according to Ay- win, (de Praesulibus) archdeacon liffe, (Oxf. vol. i, p. 385.) was here before 1554. archdeacon of London, temp. 6 Reg. Bonner, f. 450.
Hen. VIII. aut circa. Michael 7 Ibid. f. 483.
Dormer is also said to have 8 Reg. Lond.
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