1*56 LONDON.
Bainbrigge 36 . In 1509 he resigned on being made
bishop of St. David's. John Edenham or Edxam, S.T.P., was presented by
the King 23rd July i.'jOy: void by the promotion of
Vaughan 3 ?. He died in 1516 38 . Thomas IIkde or IIedde, LL.D., was collated 27th
Jan. 1516-17 : void by the death of Edenham 39 . He
died in 1520 u '. He occurs as prebendary of Mora. Thomas ]>i \i t or Hex net, LL.D., was collated 12th
March J520-21 : void bj I he death of IIedde ". Ho
died in 1558 '-. Ho occurs as prebendary of Ealdstreet
and Rugmere*. Robert Coses, Cowsen, Cousinne, or Cousynne,
A.M., was collated 16th Oct. 1558: void by the death
of Bennet 43 . He was deprived in the beginning of the reign of queen Elizabeth. He occurs as preben- dary of Holborn and Mora.
William Saxky died in this office about July 1567 l *. He occurs as prebendar\ of \Villesd<n.
Harbebt Westfaling* 5 , S.T.P., was collated 26th Sept. 1567 : void by the death of Saxey 46 . In 1586 he was made bishop of Hereford and resigned the treasurership.
Richard Bancroft, S. T. P., was presented by the Queen 10th Feb. 1585-6 : void by the promotion of Westfaling 1 ". In 1597 he was made bishop of this see, and resigned the treasurership.
��30 Reg. Hill, f. 44. Son of Harbert, who was
37 Reg. Fitz-James, f. 3. son of Harbert, a native of
38 Reg. Lond. Westphalia in Germany j the
39 Reg. Fitz-James, f. 71. son and the grandson, who lived
40 Reg. Lond. mostly in London, were by a
41 Reg. Fitz-James, f. 81. popular error called Westphaling.
42 Reg. Lond. Note in earl Powis's copy of
- John Allen seems to have Le Neve.
been treasurer here circa 1527. 4 ' ; Re^. Grindal, f. 144.
43 Reg. Bonner, f. 477. <? Ibid. f. 22^.
44 Newcourt, vol. i. p. 107.
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