Edward Vaughan, LL.D., resigned this stall on his
promotion to the bishopric of St. David's in 1 509.
He was also treasurer of this church. John- Km mi am, S.T. P., collated 23rd July 1509,
vice Vaughan promoted 17 . He was ;tl> treasurer of
this church. John Edmi hds, S.T.P., collated 6th March 1509-10,
on the resignation of Edenham 18 . He resigned this
stall for the chancellorship in 1517. IIm.h Saunders, alias Bri ucsfear, S.T.P., collated
25th Nov. 15 1 7 19 . Robert Croham, alias Peti rbon, S.T.B., '^f' prior of
Lores, collated ;rd Nov. j 537, vice Saunders de-
oeaei d Thomas .Muni roN, LL.B., collated 9th Aug. 1555, vice
Peterson deceased - M . Thomas Collyer, A.M., collated :2nd July 1558,
on the resignation <>f Moreton Thomas Btah iras deprived of this stall before 5th
Oct. 1562. Matthew Hutton, collated 5th Oct. 1562, on the
deprivation of Bjarn 38 . Il< resigned this stall <>n his
promotion to the see of Durham. Richard Bancroft, collated 25th Feb. 1589-90-". He resigned this stall on his promotion to the see of London. Thomas Singleton, S.T.B., /i in-lpal of Brasenose eoU lege, Oxford, collated 10th May 1597, vice Bancroft
promoted 35 . lie died 2i>th Nov. 1614. His successor
in this prebend has not been discovered. William Braroub m or Braba \t, collated 25th Aug. 1660 26 .
��'" Reg. Fitz- James, f. 3. -- Reg. Bonner, f. 478.
" Pud. f. 14. M Reg. (irindal. f. l6. 19 Ibid. f. 74. Ibid. f. 148.
Reg. Stokesley. f. 35. -' Ibid. f. 283.
21 Reg. Bonner, f. 463. - f " Reg. Laud. f. 130.
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