Page:Fasti ecclesiae Anglicanae Volume 3.djvu/107

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ARCHBISHOPS. 101 1191 Geoffrey Plantagenet, a natural son of king Henry 3 Ric I. //j was chosen to the see of Lincoln in 1173^^ and held it for several years without consecration, and then voluntarily resigned it. He was elected to the archbishopric of York at Pipewell 15th Sept. 1189^% but he was not consecrated until (xv Cal. Sept.) 1 8th Aug. 1191^3. The ceremony was then performed at Tours in France by the archbishop of that province®"^. On his return to England 14th Sept. in that year he was arrested, and five days afterwards, by command of William bishop of Ely, the King's chancellor, was thrown into prison for refusing to do homage to the King ; he however obtained his liberation in a few days^^ He was deprived of his see by king John some time between 26th Dec. j 206 and i8th Aug. 1207S. He died at Grosraont in Normandy i8th Dec. 1 21 2. The see was vacant from i8th Dec. 12 12 to 27th March 1216, and was in the custody of Brian de Insula ^^ On 18th June 1215 the King granted license to the chapter of York to elect an archbishop according to the form of the letters from thePope^^, and SiMox DE Langton, brother to Stephen^ archbishop of Canterbury f was elected by the chapter, notwithstand- ing the King's recommendation of Walter de Gray^^, by the different chroniclers, but et Claus. 9 Job. m. 15. it probably took place 22nd Nov. ^7 Pat. 16 Job. et Claus. 18 1181. Job. 8' Dicet. Ymag. Hist. col. 613. 88 Pat. 17 Job. m. 23. Tbe 82 Cbron. Gervas. col. 1550, chapter on the 13th of the pre- et Hoveden. f. 375 b. "Die ceding month were desired not to Sancti Laurentii feria quinta." elect any sus|)ected person. Pat. Brointon, col. 1156. 16 Job. m. 3 in dorso. ^^ Ymag. Hist. col. 662. Ho- ^^ Et licet multis precibus veden. f. 399. Rad. de Diceto. fuissent a Rege rogati ut Walte- ^ Yniajr. IliHt. rol.r)62. rum de Grai Wif^orncnt-etn cpi-

  • Hoved. Com{)are Will, scopum, sibi suscipcrunt in pas-

Neubrig. lib. iv. c. 2. torem. Rog. Wendov. p. 338. ^ Rot. Clau^. 8 Job. m. 4- Kdit.Goxe.