Page:Fasti ecclesiae Anglicanae Volume 3.djvu/137

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ARCHDEACONS OF WEST-RIDING. If31 Walter Levetiv, appointed in 1826. Hon. Stephen W. Lawley, 1852. This dignity is rated for first fruits at 50^. 145. id.^"^ ARCHDEACONS OF YORK or WEST-RIDING. DuRANDus was the first who enjoyed this dignity. He was present at the consecration of Anselme, archbishop of Canterbury, in 1093^^. His name occurs again in 1 1 13 9^ William enjoyed it in the time of archbp. Thurstan^-. John Fitzletold. Hugh de Stotevagina held it in 1138. OsBERT DE Raines was possessed of it in 1140^', and in 1 154^"*. R. DE Alneto between 1154 and 1184^^. Geoffrey "^^j provost of Beverley, was so styled in 1 176 -^^ Ralph died possessed of it in 1 194^^. Adam de Thornar was made archdeacon in 1 195^"^. Peter de Dinan demanded full restitution to this archdeaconry 1 2th June 1 1 95, which the archbishop had conferred on him ; but Simon the dean and the chapter, say, that to them was lapsed the presenta- tion to the said archdeaconry, because the archbishop had deferred presenting thereto within six months'. So that Adam de Thornar had his title from the said dean and chapter. Peter de Corbolio xvi Kal. Jan. (17th Dec.) 1198-.

  • • Ecton, p. 12. positus archidiaconus Eborum.

'•* Stubbs's Coll. 1707. Ymag. Hist. 589. »• MS. Cotton. VitelliuB, A. ix. ^7 Had. de Dicet. col. fjBc^. 'J2 Mon. Angl. torn. i. p. 396, ^" Hoveden, p. 425. 510. '•^•' Ibid, p. 436. '-'3 Stubbs'b Coll. 1 72 1. ' Si)elman. ('oncil. tom. ii. p. '•^ Dodnworth. vol.cxxiii. p.48. 123. '•«> MS. Colt. Clcop, n. ii. - MS. note in sii'l'. Pliillipps's '"' (iaufriduh lievcrlaci prir- copy. .s 2