BISHOPS. 9 1244 William de Raleigh ^o, bishop of Norwich^ was chosen 28 H. III. 1st Sept. 1 242, confirmed by the Pope 13th Sept. 1243- and admitted by the King in April 124491. He was enthroned 20th Nov. following. He died (Oal. Sept.) ist Sept. 1250^2 at Touraine, where he was buried ^3. The license to elect a bishop in the room of William de Raleigh is dated 23rd Oct. 1250^4^ and 1250 Aymer de Lesignan^^, the King's uterine brother ^ was 34 H. III. elected ii Non. Nov. (4th Nov.) 1250, and confirmed by the Pope xix Cal. Feb. (14th Jan.) 9^, and conse- crated by pope Alexander IV in 1260^7. He died 4th Dec. (pridie Non. Dec.) 1260, and was buried in Paris 9^ ; his heart however was conveyed to Win- chester, and buried near the high altar^^. The elec- tion of the new bishop took place on the morrow of the Purification (3rd Feb. 1260-61), and a majority ^ Or Ralee, Raley, or Radley. He was chosen by the monks of Winchester in 1 238 before he was promoted to the see of Norwich in 1 239 ; but the King refusing his assent to the election, the monks of Winchester, in opposition to Valentine, the King's nominee, elected Ralph de Neville, bishop of Chichester. His election, how- ever, was nullified by the court of Rome in the following year, and the monks then a second time elected William de Raleigh, who, after much discussion, was approved by the King. yi Anglia Sacra, pars i. p. 307. ^ Circa festum S. Egidii, (Tho. Wikes) ; circa festum Sancti Matthaei, Matt. Paris. ^•* Annal. Winton. et Chron. Tho. Wykes. 94 Pat. 34 Hen. HI. m. i. 9-'» AdomaruH or Ethelmarus, VOL. III. ( sometimes called " de Valentia" or Valence. The prior and con- vent of St. Swithin at Winches- ter pray the King to restore to them the manor of Portland, which Aymer, the King's bro- ther, their late bishop, had un- lawfully deprived them of, under pretence of purchase. Letter, N". 597, in Turr. Lond. ^ Rex .... confirmata a do- mino Papa postulatione dilecti fratris nostri "A.Winton Electi" &c. 3 Aug. 35 Hen. HI. (1251.) Adomarus Electus Winton habuit ecclesiam de Wormegay ante elec- tionem suam et tenuit ])ostea ex indulgentia Papae, 10 Feb. (1253) Pat. 37 Hen. III. m. 17. He was also called elect of Winchester in Pat. 42 Hen. HI. m. 15. ^7 Annal. Winton, ^« Pat. 46 Hen. HI. m. 8. !'•' Annal. Winton.