Page:Fasti ecclesiae Anglicanae Volume 3.djvu/161

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PRECExNTORS. 155 installed 17th Nov. after the death of Robert de Pa- trington. Hugh de Wymondswold, installed 19th April 1352. vice Bekingharn resigned. Nicholas de Cave, admitted i6th March 1364. Adam of York, admitted 3rd July and installed 24th Dec. 1365 S-. Ob. in 1370. Henry de Barton, collated 20th May and installed nth June 1370. Hugh de Wymondswold, (who had resigned the dig- nity about six years before.) admitted in 137 1. Roger de Rypone, admitted in 1379. He exchanged benefices with William de Kexby, archdeacon of Cleveland^ 12th Nov. 1379; Kexby was confirmed by the King in 1381^3^ jjis will was proved 8th March 1409. The Cardinal " Tibercinensis"" was confirmed in this dignity by the King 27th Oct. 1381^^. John Burrel succeeded in 1410. He died in the same year. Brian Fairfax, collated in 1410. Ob. in 1436. John Selowe or Setow, admitted 29th Dec. 1436. Robert Dobbes, admitted 2nd Oct. 1439. John Castkll, admitted 7th Oct. 1447, ^" ^^^ resig- nation of Dobbes ; he died possessed of this dignity. His will, dated 30th Oct. 1456, was proved 25th Feb. John Gisburugh succeeded 21st March 1456-7, vice John Castell. He resigned in 1460, and died nth Nov. 1481. William Eure, admitted i6th Nov. 1460, on the re- signation of Gisburugh. William Biovkrley held it in 1483. Ho died pos- sessed of it 7th Jan. 1493—4. His will, dated 6th Jan. 1493-4, was proved on the i6th of that month. 82 Reg. Sudb. K|). 1.011(1. ^ I'at. 5 Ric. II. j). i. m.

  • « Hat. 5 Ric. II. |). I. m. 29. H.

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