Page:Fasti ecclesiae Anglicanae Volume 3.djvu/179

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PREBExNDARIES. 173 Thomas Burstall, collated i6th March 1400-1. Robert Appylton^ collated 12th March J408-9. Hexry Swine, collated 30th April 141 8. Thomas Beckington, collated 19th April 1423. John Carleton, collated 29th Sept. 1423. John Fytton, collated 12th July 1427. John de Opizis, 27th Sept. 1432. Eli AS HoLcoAT, 19th Oct. 1449. Thomas Hope, collated 26th Aug. 1464. John Gigles, 26th Feb. 1487—8. He became bishop of Worcester. John Hammes, collated in 1497. Edward Underwood, collated 4th Dec. 1497. John Grtce, 18th Jan. 1504—5. John London, 23rd April 15 19. Nicolas Wilson, collated 2Cth July 1542. John Daykins, 19th June 1548. Robert Neville, collated 30th Jan. 1549. Thomas Wilson, collated 27th March 1550. William Bell, collated 19th May 1554. Nicholas Houghton possessed it about 1559, and in 1566. William Thomas succeeded nth May 159 1. Richard Harwood, 7th July 1614. John Bungey, 26th May 1615. John Denne, 16th Nov. 161 7. Tobias Wickham, presented 3rd Aug., installed 20th Sept. 1660. Christopher Jackson, A.M., died possessed of this stall in 1701. John Richardson, A.M., collated in 1701. Nathaniel Drake succeeded 2nd Sept. 1703. Robert Whatley, resigned this stall in 1750. Francis Blackburne, ist Aug. 1750, on the resigna- tion of Robert VVhatloy. George Markham, 8th Aug. 1787, on the death of Francis Blackburne.