PREBENDARIES. 181 Gilbert de Bruera_, dean of St.PauVs^ is said to have been prebendary here in 1324. John de St. Paul was also prebendary about 1350, but the time of his admission has not been ascertained. Michael de Northburgh held this stall also in 1350. William de Flisco, 15th July 1353. Welewyks, 13th April 1356. William de Ferriby, 2cth Sept. 1356. Henry Godburne, 21st Sept. 1379. Reginald de Hulton, appointed nth June 138097. John de Neweton, 23rd Feb. 1384-5. William de Waltham, 5th April 1393. His appoint- ment was ratified 26th Sept. 1397^8. William Noyon, 20th March 1398—9. John de Marnham, appointed 29th Sept. 1405^9, John Forrest held it in 1419. John Bate held it i8th June 1442. John Davyson, 16th Nov. 1479. Edward Cresacre, ist Oct. 1485. Hugh Trotter, 24th Dec. 1490. Robert Middleton, 3rd Dec. 1491. William Middleton, i8th May 1496. Alan Percy, ist May 15 13. Robert Shorton, ist Nov. 1517. Richard Duke, 7th May 1523. Edward Lee, 27th Feb. 1529-30. Nicholas Townley, 29th Dec. 1531. George Heneage, 22iid Jan. iS3'^~'^- Henry Whyting, 20th Aug. 1536. Robert Holdesworth, ]6th July 1541. John Green held this stall in i^S^- William Green, 16th Feb. 1597-8. Barnaby Barlowe, 23rd July 1640. Anthony Elcocke, 17th Aug. 1660. Joshua Spofford, 27th Oct. 1660. •7 Pat. 3 Ric. II. p. 3. m. 6. et Pat. 22 Ric. II. p. 2. m. 17. ^ Pat. 21 Rir. II. p. i. m. 14, '^^ Pat. 6 lien. IV. p. 2. in.12.
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