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Page:Fasti ecclesiae Anglicanae Volume 3.djvu/189

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PREBEiND ARIES. 183 Ralph de Selby, 9th Dec. 1385. He quitted it the next year for the subdeanery. Lewis, a Roman cardinal, 21st March 1386-7. Richard Ronhale or Rouhale, appointed by the King loth June 1386^. His appointment was con- firmed by the King 14th Feb. 1387—8-^. Stephen le Scroope, junior, 9th March 1400-1. He resigned it the next year. Nicholas Bubbewyth, 3rd March 140 1-2. Made bishop of London in 1406. William Dennis or Dyonis, appointed 27th Sept. 1406^. William Py'lton, appointed by the King 24th July 1407^; installed 20th Aug. 1407. Thomas Kemp, 2nd July J 435. Robert Rowlston, 24th Nov. 1436. William Felter, collated 14th Jan. 1450-51. He died loth April 1451, being also dean of this church. William Peircy, i6th April 145 1. He became bishop of Carlisle. William Grey, 20th Aug. 1452. He was made bishop of Ely in 1454. Thomas Preston, 13th Dec. 1452. James Stanley, 1 ith Nov. 1460. He was made bishop of Ely in 1506. William Beverley, 28th June 1485, who, being also precentor of York, archbishop Rotherham, to augment that dignity, in the following month, viz. 28th July 1485, annexed it to that office; since which time it has continued annexed to and held with the preccntorship. FENTON. John de Excestuia, chancellor of YorJc^ held it in j 258. I. de M ANSEL, appointed by the King 29th Nov. 1258. 2 Pat. 9 Ric. II. p. 2. in. ;,. • Pat. 8 Hen. IV. p. 2. in. 4. 3 Pat. ri Ric. II. |). 2. m.36. '"' P.it. 43 Hen. IH. in. 15.

  • Pat. 7 Hin. IV. ]). 2. in. 6.