PREBENDARIES. 185 Robert Ascough, 13th April 1441, vice John Langton resigned. John Branston, 15th Feb. 1448-9, vice Robert As- cough deceased. Robert Stillington, 21st March 1450— i, vice John Branston resigned. He was afterwards made bishop of Bath and Wells. William Malster held it in 1459. Edward Hanson, 26th Aug. 1480, vice William Mal- ster resigned. William Burbank, ist June 1512, vice Edward Han- son deceased. William Smythson held it in 1530. William Clyff, 17th Jan. 1531-2, vice William Smythson deceased. Christopher Wellyfed, 30th Oct. 1534, vice Wil- liam Clyff resigned. William Wellyfed, 14th April 1538, vice Christo- pher Wellyfed deceased. Thomas Houghton, 3rd June 1541, vice Wellyfed re- signed. John Dakyn, 19th Jan. 1549-50, vice Thomas Hough- ton deceased. William Taylor, Dec. 1558, vice John Dakyn de- ceased. Thomas Wilson, loth July 1560. William Chaderton, 16th Feb. 1573—4. He was afterwards bishop of Chester and of Lincoln. Arthur Williams, 28th Nov. 1579, on the promotion of Chaderton. Eman'uel Barnes, i6th Fob. 1601—2, vice Arthur WilHams resigned. Henry Wickham, loth Oct 1614, vice Barnes de- ceased. He became archdeacon of York. Thomas Tritlett, nominated by letters patent 2nd Aug. 1 641, and installed 2nd Sept., vice Henry Wick- ham (lecoaHcd. ItoiJKRT Fjeld, 3r(l Aug. 1670, vice Triplett ({(JCcuHud. VOL. in. B b
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