Page:Fasti ecclesiae Anglicanae Volume 3.djvu/194

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188 YORK. William IIolgill, 19th May 1522, vice Christopher Urswyke deceased. Thomas Wynter, 30th Sept. 1522, vice William Hol- gill resigned. Robert Shorton, 7th May 1523, vice Thomas Wynter resigned. Henry Williams, 5th Nov. i535, ^^^® Robert Shorton deceased. Arthur Lowe, 3rd May 1554, on the deprivation of Henry Williams. Richard Masters, 13th March 1562-3. William Wilkinson, 31st Jan. 1587-8, vice Masters deceased. Richard Burton, 5th Dec. 1613, vice William Wil- kinson deceased. Henry Fairfax, 13th April 1645, vice Burton de- ceased. Thomas Cannon, 29th April 1665, vice Henry Fairfax deceased. Henry Bagshaw, appointed in 1668, vice Thomas Cannon deceased. John Lake, i6th July 1670, vice Henry Bagshaw re- signed. He became bishop of Bristol and of Chi- chester. Jonathan Dry den, collated 31st Oct. 1685, vice John Lake, promoted. He died 25th Aug. 1702, and was buried in the cathedral, setatis suae 6^. Nathaniel Wainhouse, 9th Sept. 1702, on the death of Jonathan Dryden. Heneage Dering, LL.D., collated ist May 1708. He became dean of Ripon 3rd March i 7 1 1-12. Robert Whartley, 24th July 1750, on the death of Heneage Dering. William Abbott, 20th Oct. 1767, on the death of Robert ^Vhartley. Theophilus Barnes, 6th April 1826, on the death of William Abbott.