Page:Fasti ecclesiae Anglicanae Volume 3.djvu/258

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i^52 CARLISLE. PREBENDARIES. FIRST STALL. William Florens, a monk of Carlisle, nominated by the founder 12th May 1542. Hugh Sewp:ll, S.T.B., had this prebend given him by king Edward VI. 20th Aug. 1549 : void by the death of Florens ^^. Edmund Bunnie or Bunye, S.T.B., was collated by the bishop 2nd July 1585 : void by the death of Sewell. Richard Sibson, S.T.B., was collated 18th March 1602—3 : void by the resignation of Bunnie. Francis Bunnie: he died in 1617. Richard Snoden, A.M., 2nd July 16 17. Lancelot Dawes, A.M., 3rd July 1619: void by the resignation of Snoden : Dawes died 18th May 1655. Thomas Smith, S.T.P., had this dignity given him by king Charles H. 24th July 1660, installed 14th Nov. 1660; he resigned i6th March following. He was afterwards dean, and bishop of this church in 1684. Thomas Canon, S.T.B., collated 27th March j66i : void by the resignation of Smith. AVilliam Sill, A.M., collated 27th March 1668: void by the death of Canon. He resigned in 1681. William Nicolson, A.M., collated 17th Nov. 1681 : void by the resignation of Sill. John Atkinson, A.M., nominated by the Queen on the promotion of Nicolson to the bishopric, and insti- tuted 9th July 1702. Edward Birkett, collated 13th Dec. 1733. John Waugh, collated 26th March 1768. James Stephen Lushington, collated 9th Sept. 1777- George Henry Law, collated 19th Sept. 1785. William Vansittart, 24th July 1824. Heney Percy, 9th Dec. 1847. 62 gee Rymer, vol. xv. p. 190.