Page:Fasti ecclesiae Anglicanae Volume 3.djvu/275

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PREBENDARIES. 269 John Lepington, admitted in March 1544, on the de- cease of Smith. John Whitby, presented by the King 15th Sept. 1550, on the death of Manwaring. Thomas Runcorn, archdeacon of Bangor^ presented by the Queen 2nd April 1554, on the promotion of Dr. Cotes to the see of Chester. His will is dated 2 1 st Dec. 1556, and was proved 2nd July 1557. Edward Gregory, admitted 2nd April 1554, on the deprivation of Lepington. John Wilsmsley was presented 2nd April 1554, on the resignation of Gibbes, and died in 1556. Robert Percival or Persevall was collated 26th Aug. 1556. He was also archdeacon of Chester. Thomas Wilson, instituted ist Oct. 1557, on the death of Whitby. William Collingwood, instituted 24th Sept. 1557, on the death of Runcorn. He died in 1560. Robert Heblethwait, presented 13th Jan. 1560-61, vice Gregory. Edward Hawford, collated 14th Feb. 1560-61, on the death of Collingwood. John Hardyman held this stall in 1563; deprived in John Peirse was collated in i^d^). John Nutter was instituted in 1566. Thomas Dun, collated in 1566. Thomas Herle held a stall in this church in 1567. John Lane, collated 8th Sept. 1570, on the death of Heblethwait. He died in 1580. Edward Bi:ckley, collated in 1574. Thomas Hidk, collated in 1575, on the death of Dun. Robert Rogers, collated 25th Nov. 1580, on the death of Lane. David Yale, collated in 1582, vice Hawford. Petkr Sharp, installed 14th Nov. 1588, vice Nutter. Uo(;kr Pakkkr, collated 19th Nov. 1587, and iuHtallcd 5th Sopt. F588.