BISHOPS. S23 three sons, is the next whose name occurs as bishop of this see ; after him were contentus, Bladus, Malchus, torkinus, ROOLWEE, William, Brendinus or Brandanus. Wymundus7 or Reymundus, called also Hamundus, a monk of Seez in Normandy, was the first bishop of this see ^ after it had been made suffragan to York ; he was consecrated by Thomas archbishop of York, who died in it 14. He was deprived and blinded in 1 15 1. His successor was John, a m^nk 0/ Seez'^, in 1151. Gamaliel, an Englishman^ is said to have been conse- crated by Roger archbishop of York ; after him came Reginald, the Norwegian ; and after him Christian Archadiensis (of Orkney) then Michael, a ManJcsman, who died in 1303, and was buried in Fountains abbey, Yorkshire. He was suc- ceeded by 1203 Nicholas DE Me Aux 10^ ^55^^ ^2^2*y.^^gg^ m 1203. He resigned his see in 1217. 121 7 Reginald succeeded in 1217, and died about the year 1226. 1226 John, son of Harfarc, was bishop here in 1226. J 230 Simon Archadiensis (of Orkney). He is called 7 Post conquestum Norwego- this bishop may also be seen in rum anno 1098 binae sedes Soflor Newbourgh's Hist. Angl. hb. i. et Man in unam coaluerunt, et c. 24. primus episcopus fuit Wymun- '■* Eodem anno 1151 Johannes dus sive Wermundus. Matt, monachus Sagiensis factus est Paris. secundus antistes Moinic insula^, ^ See(^hron.Pontif. Flccl.Ebor. cjusn est inter Angham ct Ilyber- col. 1713; Antiquit. Celt. Norm. niam. Matt. Paris. p. 44. et Chron. Rog. Wendov. '" Called also Kolus or Kolas, ii. p. 250. A long account of Torfl'fcuH, p. 154, T t 2
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