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Page:Fasti ecclesiae Anglicanae Volume 3.djvu/358

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352 WESTMINSTER. Prebendaries of this stall s'mce the settlement by queen Elizabeth. John Hardyman, S.T.P., was appointed to this stall by th(3 Queen's patent, dated 21st June 1560'*^, and was deprived in 1567. Percival Wybarne or Wybourne, installed 23rd Nov. 1 56 1. John Fox, installed 6th May 1606. John Wilson, S.T.P., was installed in Oct. 1623. ^^ died 19th Feb. 1634—5, and was buried in St. Peter's, at Nottingham. Matthew Wren, c?^«w of Windsor , nominated 1 8th Feb. 1634—5, vice John Wilson. Richard Steward or Stewart, LL.D., was nominated to this stall 34th April 1638 and installed the next day; in 1645 ^® ^^^® nominated to the deanery, but it never took effect. He was also provost of Eton. FOURTH STALL. Anthony Bellicis or Bellassys was appointed the first in this stall, 17th Dec. 1540. John Haddon, installed 30th Aug. 1552. Richard Alvey was installed i6th Dec. 1552, loco Anton. Bellicis ^^. John Ramridge was installed 12th May 1553, loco Ric. Alvey ^1. Prebendaries of this stall since the settlement by queen Elizabeth. Richard Cheyney, S.T.B., was appointed to this stall by the Queen^s patent, dated 21st June 1560^'^, which ho kept till 1562, in which year, 19th April, he was consecrated bishop of Gloucester. Richard Norley or Morley, on the promotion of •*3 Pat. 2 Eliz. p. 13. in. 5. ^^ Reg.Westra. ^^ Reg.Westm. ^2 Pat. 2 Eliz. p. 13. m. 5.