Page:Fasti ecclesiae Anglicanae Volume 3.djvu/422

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416 SOUTHWELL. Reginald de Sto. Albano, collated in 1292 or 1295, on the death of William de Rotherfeld^^. Peter de Dene held it in 1318^'. Prebendary also of the cathedral churches of London, Wells, and York, and of the collegiate church of Wimburne Minster. Afterwards a monk of St. Augustine's Canterbury^^. William de Barneby held it in 1331, and died pos- sessed of it in May 1361 ^7. Richard de Renhall died possessed of it before March 1 400- 1 ^^. John Martyn, collated 4th March 1400-1, on the death of Richard de Renhall s^. Henry Merston, collated 20th Feb. 1404—5, on the resignation of John Martyn ^o. Thomas Chicheley, collated 3rd May 1433, on the death of Henry Merston ^^ William Crowton, collated 27th July 1445, ^^ ^^^® resignation of Thomas Chicheley'^-. John Suthwell, collated ^tli July 1446, on the resig- nation of William Crowton'^ J. Oliver Kyng, secretary to the King, admitted 20th Nov. 1480, on the death of John Suthwell ^'*. John Raynald, LL.B., admitted 5th Feb. 1492-3, on the resignation of Oliver Kyng^ William Carpenter, LL.B., admitted 9th Dec. 1494, on the resignation of John Raynald '^^. Nicholas Halswell, M.D., collated 8th Nov., and admitted 29th Nov. 1496, on the resignation of Wil- liam Carpenter^". William Symonds, collated 12th July, and admitted 17th July 1499, ^^ *'^^ resignation of Nicholas Hals- well ^«. 84 Torre. ^^ Torre. «5 White Book. *" Ibid. «6 Thorn's Chronicles, in ^- Ibid. i>3 ibid. Twysden's X Scriptores, 2055, ^ ^^^- 3- &c. ■• Ibid. ^ Ibid. 87 White Book. '^^ Torre and Reg. 3. 88 Torre. 8^ ibid. ^8 ibid.