Page:Fasti ecclesiae Anglicanae Volume 3.djvu/429

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PREBENDARIES. 423 ScROPE Berdmore, M.A., admitted 26th Oct. 1769, on the resignation of Scrope Berdmore, D.D.^^ William Barrow, LL.D., admitted 19th Jan. 18 15, on the death of Scrope Berdmore ^^ HALLOUGHTON. This prebend was founded circa 11 60 by Roger, arch- bishop of York : endowed with certain temporal pro- perty in Halloughton, near Southwell. Roger de Capella, the King^s cleric^ was the first pre- bendary, circa 11 60 9^. Thomas Britton died possessed of it in or before 1269'^^. His name occurs as canon of Southwell as early as 1240^ William de Grenefeld, collated in 1269, on the death of Thomas Britton^. Adam de Bolestrede, collated 4th Aug. 1272, on the resignation of William de Grenefeld ^. Nicholas de Knovill died possessed of it in 13 lo"^. Lambert de Trikyngham, collated 8th Oct. 13 10, on the death of Nicholas deKnovill Still prebendary in 13316. Robert de Kildesby, appointed i8th Aug. 1341^ ; resigned it in 1348^. William de Hugate, collated 9th June 1348, on the resignation of Robert de Kildesby y. James de Staunton held it in 1381. Ho was canon of Southwell in 137 1 and 1395'^. John Lyott, collated nth Aug. 1398 ^^ John Messanger resigned it in 1406^^. 9« Southwell Records. ^ Torre. ^ Ibid. »7 Ibid. 6 White Book. ^ White Book. ^ Pat. 15 Edw. III. p. 2.m. 19, ^ Torre. « Torre. » Ibid. ' White Book. '« White Book. 2 Torre. ^ ibid. HiWrr. '2 Ibid.