Page:Fasti ecclesiae Anglicanae Volume 3.djvu/462

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456 SOUTHWELL. John de Sciilthorpe, collated 20th May 1360, on the resignation of John de Burton. Rector of Lanum, Notts: died in 1367 «». Robert Ascough, M.A., died possessed of this pre- bend in 1448. Prebendary also of York, and rector of Campsall, Yorkshire ^^. Richard Bell, collated 14th Feb. 1448—9, on the death of Robert Ascough ^^. William Ads, collated i6th May 1453, ^^ ^^^ resig- nation of Richard Belb". John Toralde, L.B., collated 3rd Jan. 1458-9, on the death of William Ads^8_ Edmund Chaterton held it in Sept. 1472^^. He re- signed it in 1474^0, John Barrow, collated 23rd Jan. 1474—5, on the re- signation of Edmund Chaterton ^^ John Warkworth, M.A., collated 4th and admitted 19th March 1474—5, ^^ ^^^® resignation of John Barrow ^2. Richard Burton, S.T.B., collated ist and admitted 12th June 1498, on the resignation of John Wark- worth 9^. John Hatton, hisliop of Nigropont^ collated 6th and admitted 15th Feb. 1506, on the death of Richard Burton ^^. Prebendary also of York, and archdeacon of Nottingham : died 25th April 15 16, and buried at York ^^5. Thomas Edwards, admitted 20th June 1517, on the death of John Hatton ^6. John Wilkinson, admitted 12th April 1526, on the resignation of Thomas Edwards y". John Keale, Deer. Dr., admitted 9th March 1532-3, on the resignation of John Wilkinson ^^. 84 Torre. 86 Ibid. 85 Ibid. 87 Ibid. »-' Torre and 9'< Ibid. Reg. 3- 94 Ibid. 88 Ibid. 90 Torre. 91 Torre and 89 Reg. 3. Reg- 3- 95 Torre. '^ Reg. 3. 98 Ibid. 97 Ibid.