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Page:Fasti ecclesiae Anglicanae Volume 3.djvu/467

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PREBENDARIES. 461 PREBENDARIES OF SOUTHWELL WHOSE STALLS CANNOT BE DETERMINED. Roger Macer, Roger Crassus, Richard, Nicholas, Herbert, Hugh, and Thomas, canons of Southwell^ are witnesses to a deed circa 1150^^. William de And, William Muscamp, Martin LuMB^, Galfrid, Gilbert, Lucian, and Roger, occur about 1200^^. Alan de Pykering was succeeded by Galfrid de In- sula, on presentation of the King : the letters patent tested at Nottingham 19th Feb. 1212—13^. William Vileine de Andeg^ was succeeded by Gau- frid de Sacy, on presentation of the King : the letters patent tested at Reading, 3rd May 1215^1. Hugh, frequently called " Dean of Southwell, occurs from about 1200 to 1240^'-. Robert Haget, circa 1230^^. He was also arch- deacon of Richmond, and canon and treasurer of York. Henry de Nottingham died before 1250. A chantry for his soul was founded at Southwell by Robert de Lexinton, who died in that year. Richard deBerefoi{d,Walter deCawe, Robert de OxoNiA, Richard de Scureb', Roger de Souresby, William de Tanay, and Thomas de Woodburgh, occur circa 1220 — 1250^^. Walter de Grey in 1242 and 1257^^ Richard de Cumpton in 1257^^. Robert Malore in 1257 and 1260^7. Henry de Mora in 1257 and 1260^'^. William Physicus in 1257. The same person, pro-

  • « White Book.

mission, p. 134. w Ibid. «-^ Wliite Hook. «'>Rot. Lit. Pat. 14 Job. Re- «•* Ibid. B4 Ibid. cord ConimisHion, |). 96. '•'•' Ibid. «fl Ibid. «' Ibid. 16 Job. Record Com- «7 Ibid. 6« Ibid.