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Page:Fasti ecclesiae Anglicanae Volume 3.djvu/469

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OXFORDS CHANCELLORS^. 883 Grimbald. 889 Beategravius. 1122 Robert Canutus or de Crecklade. 1 134 Robert Pulleyne. 121 1 Alard. 1220 Lewis de Chapirnay, S.T.P. Edmund. Robert Grosthead. 1231 Ralph. Richard Batchden. 1233 Ralph Cole. 1238 Simon de Bovill. 1239 John de Rygater. 1240 Richard de la Wyke or Wich. 1244 Simon de Bovill. 1246 Gilbert de Biham. 1252 Ralph de Sempyngham. 1255 William de Lodelawhe. 1256 Richard de S.Agatha. 1262 Thomas de Cantilupe. 1267 Nicholas de Ewelme. I Le Neve has prefixed to each followed his example, referring diocese a elij^ht notice of the date those who wish for all the infor- and circumstances of its foun- mation that has been collected dation, as also of its territorial on the matter to the works spe- limits, which I have amended so daily devoted to the 6u])ject. as to include the recent changes ^ The chancellor of this Uni- made in accordance with the re- versity is elected by the members commendations of the Ecclesias- of the convocation. The office tical (Jommissioners. He has, was formerly triennial, some- however, avoided entering on the times annual; but now is hold vexed question of the foundation for life, of the Universities, and I have