Page:Fasti ecclesiae Anglicanae Volume 3.djvu/516

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510 OXFORD. predecessor in 1 648 ; and about three months after- wards he resigned it into their hands again. Joshua Hoyle, S.T.P., master of University college, was put in by the delegates before mentioned 14th Sept. 1648. He died 6th Dec. 1654, and was buried in University college chapel. John Con ant, S.T.P., rector of Exeter college^ succeeded about the latter end of the year 1654. James Barron, yi^//o2^ of Magdalen college^ and professor of theology there, had a grant of 100/. per ann. 22 nd Sept. 1655^. Robert Sanderson, S.T.P., was restored in the begin- ning of Aug. 1660; and in the same year he became bishop of Lincoln. William Creed, ^JY.V., formerly fellow of St.Johi's college, succeeded i2th July 1661, and died 19th July 1663. Richard Allestree, S.T.P., canon of the eighth stall of Christ churchy succeeded in Sept. 1663. He became provost of Eton. William Jane, S.T.P., canon of the fifth stall of Christ churchy was admitted 19th May 1680: void by the resignation of Allestrey. Jane died in Feb. 1 706-7, being dean of Gloucester. John Potter, D.D., nominated 8th Jan. 1707—8, suc- ceeded in 1708. He became bishop of Oxford in 17 15. George Rye, archdeacon of Oxford^ and deputy regiiis professor of divinity^ made regius professor vice Dr. Potter, archbishop of Canterbury, 2Tst Mar. 1736-7. John Fanshaw, D.D., appointed 30th Oct. 1741, vice George Rye deceased. Edward Bentham, D.D., 23rd May 1763, vice John Fanshawo. Ob. ist Aug. 1776. Benjamin Wheeler, D.D., 24th Aug. 1776, vice Bentham deceased. John Randolph, B.D., 30th Aug. 1783, vice Dr. •"* Priv. Seals temp. Oliv. Crom.