Page:Fasti ecclesiae Anglicanae Volume 3.djvu/520

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514 OXFORD. John Kelly, M.D., nominated i6th March 1759. William Vivian, M.D., appointed 24th Oct. 1772. Sir Christopher Pegge, knight, 'M..Y)., fellow of Oriel college^ and afterwards of Christ Church, 1801. John Kidd, D.M., student of Christ Churchy 1822. James Adey Ogle, D.M., appointed in 1851. REGIUS PROFESSORS OF HEBREW. Thomas Harding, '^l.K.^ fellow of New college^ was the first, appointed by king Henry VIII in or about 1542. He became treasurer of Sahsbury in 1555. Richard Bruerne, S.T.B., fellow of Lincoln college, succeeded in 1548. He became canon of the first stall of Christ Church. Thomas Neale, '^!Y:^.,felloic of New college, succeeded in 1559, and resigned in 1569. Thomas Kyngesmyll, M.A. ,felloio of Magdalen col- lege, appointed 2nd Nov. i570^ John Harding, S.T.^.^ fellow of Magdalen college, was appointed by patent, dated 21st Sept. 1591. William Thorne, M.A., fellow of New college^ suc- ceeded 27th July 15987. John Harding, S.T.P., had this lecture again con- ferred on him 27th April 1604^. He became pre- sident of Magdalen college in 1607. Richard Kilby, S.T.P., rector of Lincoln college, ap- pointed in 1610 -^ He died in 1620, and was buried 7th or 17th Nov. that year in the church of All Saints, Oxon. Edward Meetkerk, S.T.B., student of Christ ChiLrch, succeeded 8th Nov. i62o'^ John Mouris, S.T.B., late chajdain of All Souls college, and canon of the sixth stall of Christ Church, succeeded 6 Pat. II Eliz. p. I. m. 16. ^ Pat. 2 Jac. I. p. 16. m. 29. 7 Pat. 40 Eliz. I. ]i. 12. m. ^ Rot. Orig. 8 Jac. I. rot. 158. 32. 1^ Pat. 18 Jac. I. p. 2. ra. 2.