Page:Fasti ecclesiae Anglicanae Volume 3.djvu/526

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520 OXFORD. PROFESSORS OF NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. This lecture was founded by sir William Sedley, knt. and bart. by will dated 29th Oct. 1611. Edward Lapworth, M.A., was appointed by the will of the founder in 16] 8. John Edwards, ^l. A., fellow 0/ St. Johi^s college, suc- ceeded, on the death of Lapworth, 6th June 1636. He was ejected by the Parliament visitors in 1648. Joshua Crosse, M.A., fellow of Magdalen college, was elected i6th Dec. 1648, but on the Restoration he was removed by the King's visitors. Thomas Willis, M.B., was elected 25th Aug. 1660. Ob. nth Nov. 1675. Thomas Millington, M.D., succeeded in 1675, and was knighted in 1679. Ob. 5th Jan. 1703—4. James Farrer or Fayrer, S.T.P., succeeded in 1703-4. Ob. 22nd Feb. 1719-20. Hon. Charles Bertie, D.C.L., felloio of All Souls college, 1719. Joseph Browne, D.D., fellow, afterwards provost, of Queen s college, and chancellor of Hereford, 1741. Benjamin Wheeler, T).D.,fello2a of Magdalen college, i']6']'y afterwards regius professor of divinity. Thomas Hornsby, T).T>., fellow of Corpus Christl col- lege, Savilian professor of astronomy, 1782, vice Wheeler resigned. George Leigh Cooke, B.D., late fellow of Corpus Christi college, 1810. SAVILIAN PROFESSORS OF GEOMETRY. Founded by sir Henry Savilo in the year 1619^7. Henry Briggs, M.A., ofMerton college, was nominated by the founder to be the first reader of this lecture in 1619. He died 26th Jan. 1630, setat. 70, and was bu- ried in the chapel belonging to Merton college. 27 Pat. 18 Jac. I. p. I. ra. 5.