526 OXFORD. Sedgewick Harrison, M. A., fellow of All Souls college, 1720. Richard Frewin, D.M., student of Christ Churchy '^T^l ' John Warneford, B.D., fellow of Corpus Christi col- lege^ 1 76 1. William Scott, D.C.L., fellow of Vnwersity college, 1773, (afterwards lord Stowell.) Thomas Warton, ^.T).^ fellow of Trinity college^ 1785- Thomas Winstanley, M. A., fellow of Hertford college, afterwards principal of Alban hall, D.D., 1790. Peter Elmsley, M, A., principal of Alban hall, D.D., 1823. Edward Cardwell, B.D., late felloio of Brasenose col- lege,T>,T>.', he became principal of Alban hall in 1826. PROFESSORS OF ANATOMY. The anatomical lecture was founded by Richard Tom- lins, esq., of Westminster, in 1626, by whose statutes the lectureship is to be holden by the Regius profes- sors in medicine. John Warner, M.D., warden of All Souls college, ^535- Thomas Francis, M.D., of Christ Church, provost of Queen's college, ^554- AValter Bailie, B.M., felloio of New college, 156 1. Anthony Aylworth, M.D., fellow of New college, 1582. Bartholomew Warner, M.D., of St. Johns college, 1597- Thomas Clayton, M.D., of Balliol college, master of Pembroke college, 1 6 1 1 . Thomas Clayton, M.D., succeeded his father in 1647. William Pettie, M.D., was elected ist Jan. 1 650-1. James Hydp:, M.D., 1665. John Parys, ^.T>., fellow of Corpus Chnsti college, suc- ceeded in 1666, and died 20th Sept. 1669. Thomas Jeamson, M.D., fellow of Wadham college, succeeded in 1669.
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