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Page:Fasti ecclesiae Anglicanae Volume 3.djvu/534

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528 OXFORD. Philip Hayes, D.Mus., organist of New ^ Magdalen^ and St. Johi's colleges^ ^111 - William Crotch, D.Mus., sometime organist of Christ Church and St. John s college j 1797. Sir Henry Rowley Blshop, knt., J3. Mus., of Mag- dalen college, 1848. CHORAGUS. Stephen Elvey, D.Mus., 1848. PROFESSORS OF ARABIC. This lecture was founded by archbishop Laud 8th Aug. 1636. Edward Pocock, S.T.P., fellow of Corpus Chrlsti coU lege., was appointed by the founder in 1636. He was also Hebrew professor. Thomas Hyde, D.D., of Queen s college, 1691; after- wards Regius professor of Hebrew. John Wallis, M.A., fellow of Magdalen college., B.D., 1702. Ob. in Jan. 1737-8. Thomas Hunt, M.A., of Hart hall, 1738; afterwards Regius professor of Hebrew, D.D. Joseph "White, D.D., fellow of Wadham college, 1774 ; afterwards Regius professor of Hebrew. Thomas Winstanley, D.T>.,felloiv of Hertford college, and principal of Allan hall., 1814. Wyndham Knatchbull, T^.D.jfelloio of All Souls col- lege., 1823. Stephen Reay, M.A., ofAlban hall, B.D., suh-Ubrarian of the Bodleian, 1840. PROFESSORS OF BOTANY. Founded about 1669. Robert Mori son, D.M., of University college, 1669. Edwin Sandys, jy.^i.,fellotc of IVadham college., 1720. Gilbert Trowe, D.M.,/t'/^?^; of Merton college, ly 24, Charles Giles Bridle Daubeny, D.M., fellow of Ma gdaleti college., 1834.