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Page:Fasti ecclesiae Anglicanae Volume 3.djvu/536

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530 OXFORD. James Hurdis, B.T>.,felloio of Magdalen coll., and D.D. 1793- Edward Copleston, M.A., fellow, afterwards provost, of Oriel college, 1802; D.D. by diploma; bishop of Llandaff ; and dean of St. PauFs. John Josias Conybeare, M.A., student of Christ Church, professor of Anglo-Saxon, 1812. Henry Hart Milman, M.A,, latej'ellow of Brasenose college, 1 821; prebendary of Westminster; now dean of St. PauPs. John Keble, M.A., late fellow qfOr'ul collegey 1831. James Garbett, M.A., late fellow of Brasenose col- lege, 27th Jan. 1842. REGIUS PROFESSORS OF MODERN HISTORY AND MODERN LANGUAGES. Founded by George I. 28th Sept. 1724^^; confirmed by George II. in 1728^^ David Gregory, M.A., nominated i8th Aug. 1724; resigned 21st May 1736. Afterwards dean of Christ Church. William Holmes, D.D., president of St. John's college, 14th June 1736; he resigned in 1742. Joseph Spence, M.A., fellow of New college, 4th June 1742. John Vivian, M.. A., fellow of Balliol college, 1768. Thomas Nowell, D.T>., felloic of Oriel college; after- wards principal of St. Mary hall, 177 i. Henry Bkeke, D.D., scholar of Corpus Christi college, 1 8 1 o ; afterwards fellow of Oriel college, and dean of Bristol, Edward Nares, M. A., fellow of Merton college, 1813. Thomas Arnold, Ty.T>.,fellotc of Oriel college, 1841. John Antony Cramer, D.D.. student of Christ Church, aopat. II Geo. I. p. i. N«.5. ^i Pat. i Geo. II. p. 4. N0.3.