48 WORCESTER. 958 DiNsTAN, abbot of Glastonbury was consecrated bi- shop of Worcester by Odo archbishop of Canterbury in 95 (S ; translated to London in the same year. 960 Oswald, a inonk, was made bishop of Worcester at the request of Dunstan^^, He was translated to York in 972'^'. He however hold the see of Worcester to- gether with that of York till his death in 992-^^. 993 Aldtlf 'S abbot of Peterborough^ succeeded Oswald in both sees of Worcester and York in the year 993. He died 6th May ioo2'^*. 1002 Wlstan, the abbot, succeeded Aldulf both at York and ^Vorcester, but he held the latter only till 1016. He died 28th May 1023, and was buried at Ely^ 1016 Leofsu's or Lkotsixus, abbot ofThorney^ succeeded in J016 to Worcester-^^. He died 19th Aug. 1033, and was buried at Worcester-^". 1033 Brihteagus'^s, abbot of Pershore, succeeded in 1033. He died 20th Doc. 1038^9. T038 Lyfikg, bishop of Devonshire or Crediton^ was translated to Worcester by king Harold in 1038 '^ He died in 1046". 1046 Aldrei) or Ealdred, abbot of lavistocl; succeeded in "^ Flor. Wigorn. gus, Lib.AVigorn. ; Brihteh, An- ^ Ibid, ad ann. ^^ Ibid. nal. Petriburg. Sax. ^"^ Sax. Cbron. ann. 992. '^^ Flor. Wigorn. ad ann. 1033 ^'^ Ealdulf, Aldulph or Adulf, et 1038. abbot of Peterborough. Sax. -^^ Sax. Chron. ad ann. 1038. Chron. •*' Onecopy of the Sax. Cbron.
- Sax. Chron. ad ann. et Flor. says 1047, another copy 1044.
"Wigorn. ad ann. His death is In 1040 he was expelled from also placed on 4lh June. Obitnar. Worcester and the see given to Vet. Wigorn. ; 5th June, Obituar. Aelfric archbishop of York ; but Petribnrg. in the following year Lyfing •• I'lor. Wigorn. ad ann. 1023. was restored. "Ann. 1046. Li- ^ Ileverendus vir Leofsius vingus Wicciorum Domnaniae et Thorniensis abbas suscepit epi- (^ornubiae pnrsul, deciino Kal. Kcopatuni Wigornensis ecclesi.x. Ajirilis, die Dominica (23 March) Flor, Wigorn. var. lect. obiit." (Hor. Wigorn.) Some •" Flor. Wigorn. et Sax, Chron. writers place his death 19th ^ BritrguB, Malmes. ; Bricte- March ; others 20th March.