Page:Fasti ecclesiae Anglicanae Volume 3.djvu/553

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EXETER COLLEGE. 547 Joseph Maynard, S.T.B., was elected 1 8th Sept. 1662, and resigned in 1665. His will is in the Prerogative Office72. Arthur Bury, M.A., afterwards S.T.P., succeeded 17th May 1665. William Paynter, S.T.P., succeeded in 1689. Matthew Hole, D.D., elected 17 15— 16. Ob. 1730. JoHX Coneybeare, elected i ith Aug. 1730, vice Mat- thew Hole deceased. He became dean of Christ Church and bishop of Bristol. Joseph At well, vice Dr.Conybeare, was elected in Jan. 1732—3. Resigned circa April 1737. James Edgcumbe, elected in 1737. Francis Webber^ I750- Thomas Bray, D.D., 1771. Ob. 1785. Thomas Stinton, D.D., 1785. Ob. 6th July 1797. Henry Richards, D.D., 1797. Ob. 19th Dec. 1807. John Cole, 1808. John Collier Jones, D.D., 1819. Ob. 7th Aug. 1838. Joseph Loscombe Richards, 1838. The arms of this college are thus blazoned : Two coats impaled ; the first, two bendlets wavee within a border of keys, indorsed and united in the rings ; the second, gules, on a bend, between two escallops, or, a Cornish chough proper, between two cinquefoils, azure ; and in a chief of the second, a rose between two demi fleurs-de-lys of the first. ORIEL COLLEGE. License was granted 20th April 1324 to Adam de Bromo to acquire a messuage in the suburbs of Ox- ford, and in it to found a college of scholars" ^ Adam 7'^ Duke 24. 73 Pat.iyEdw. 11. p. 2. in. 21 4 A 2