614 CAMBRIDGE. Anthony Girlington, 'blL.k.^fellow of Pembroke college, 1560. Andrew Oxenbridge, /^//o>?(7 of Trinity college, 1561. William Masters, M•A.,/e^^o^^ ofKi?igs college, 1563. Thomas Bynge, M.A.,felloic of Peter-house^ 1564. See Civil Law Professors, and Masters of Clare hall. William Lewyn, ^.X.^ fellow of Chris fs college, 1570. Theodore Be ACON,M. A., /<?//o2^ o/*S'^./o/i?z's C9/%6, 1 57 1. Richard Bridgwater, M.A., felloto of King s college, ^573- Anthony Wingfield, M. A., fellow of Trinity college, 1580. Henry Mowtlow, IAj.J)., fellow of King s college, 1589. Burgess for the University in the first parliament of James I. Sir Robert Naunton, M.A., fellow of Trinity college, 1594. Burgess in Parliament for the University in 1621, 1624, 2ind 1625. Francis Nether sole, /^//o?(? of Trinity college, 161 1. George Herbert, M.A.,fello2c of Trinity coll., 16 19. Robert Creyghton, M.A., fellow of Trinity college, 1627. Afterwards Greek professor, and bishop of Bath and Wells. Henry Molle, M.A., fellow of King^s college, 1639. Ejected in 1650. Ralph Widdrington, M.A., senior fellow of Christ's college, 1650. Sec Greek, and Margaret Professors. H E N R Y P A ^i A N, M . D . , fcllo ic of St. Joh ns college, 1672. John Billers, S.T.B., fellow of St. John's college, 1681. Henry Feltok, LL.I)., fellow of Peter-house, 1688. William Ayloffe, M.A.,felloio of Trinity coll., 1695. Edmund Castle, M.A._, fellow ofBenet college, elected in Feb. 1726-7. He resigned. Philip Williams, S.T.B., fellow of St. Johns college, elected 31st March 1730. He resigned. James Tunstall, S.T.^^., fellow of St. John's college, elected 21st Oct. 1741. He resigned. Philip Yonge, fellow of Trinity college, elected 18th Juno 1 746. Afterwards bishop of Bristol.