654 CAMBRIDGE. Erasmus Desiderius Uotp:rodamus or Roterdam, 1511. Pie was also Greek professor here. John Fawne, S.T.R., 15 15. Thomas Ashley, '^J)l.V.^ fellow of King' 8 college. Held the office in 1517. William Buckmaster, S.T.P., 1532. John RED>rAYN or Redman, S.T.P., 1538. First master of Trinity college. AViLLiAM Skete or Shetts, S.T.r., felloio of King's college, 1542. AViLLiAM Glynn, S.T.P., 1544 Afterwards presi- dent of Queen's college, and bishop of Bangor in i^S5' John Redmayn, S.T.P., 1549 {iterum). Thomas Segiswyke, S.T.P., 1554. George Bullock, ST. P., master of St. John s college^ Robert Beaumont, S.T.B., after icards master of Trin ity college, 1559. Matthew Hutton, S.T.B., afterirards master of Pern- broke hall, 1561. He became bishop of Durham, and archbishop of York. John Whitgift, S.T.B., afterwards master of Trinity college, ^^6^^. Subsequently bishop of Worcester and archbishop of Canterbury. William Chaderton, S.T.P., afterwards president of Queen^s college, 1567. Subsequently bishop of Chester and of Lincoln. Thomas Cartwright, 'M.A.,felloiP of Trinity college, 1569. Ejected in 1570. John Styll, S.T.B., master of Trinity college, 1570. Afterwards bishop of Bath and A ells. John IIandson, S/V.li., fellow of Tri nit 1/ college, 1573. Peter Baro, a Frenchman, S.T.F., of Trin ity coll., 1574. Thomas Playfere, S.T.F., fellow ofSt.Johtis college. 1596. John DAyK^xyiT^^.T .^.,aftenrards president of Queens college, 1609. Subsequently bishop of Salisbury. S A M u e L W A R n, S . T . P . , m aster of Sidney- Sussex college, 1622.
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