658 CAjVIBRIDGE. William Riddlington, LL.D., of Trinity hall^ lotli May 1757. Samuel Hallifax, LL.D., of Trinity hall., 1770- He became bishop of St. Asaph. Joseph Jowett, LL.D., of Trinity hall., 1782. James William Geldart, LL.D., of Trinity hall, 1813. Henry James Sumner Maine, LL.D., of Trinity hall, 1847. REGIUS PROFESSORS OF PHYSIC, Founded by king Henry VIII' ^ in 1540. John Blyth, yL.T>.,felloiv of King's college, nth May John Hatcher, M.D. Henry Walker, M.D. Thomas Lorkin, M.D., of Peter-house^ 21st April 1564, vice Henry Walker deceased-'. William Ward, ^l.T>., fellow of King's college., by pa- tent 8th Nov. 1596. William Burton, M. J}. ., fellow of King's college"^-. John Gostlin, M.)., master ofGoncille ami Caius coll. John Collins, M..J).., fellow of St. John s college. Ralph Winterton, M. D., fellow of Ki?ig^s college. Ob. 1636. Francis Glisson, M.D., fellotc of Trinity hall, 10th Nov. 1636'^. Robert Brady, M.D., master ofGonville and Cains col^ lege, elected circa 1677. Christopher Greene, M.D., elected circa 1700, late fellow ofGonville and Caius college. Ob. ist April 1741, jctat. 89. He resigned and was succeeded by '^ The cele])r<ite(l Thomas Lyn- versitate nostra Cantabrigiensi. acre, M.D., the founder of the Pat. 16 Hen.VIII. p. i. m. 17. college of physicians, had license, ^o p^^^ j Mary. p. 12. ra. 28. 1 2th Oct. 1524, to cstabhsh ** tres 21 Pat. 6 Ehz. p. 8. m, 9. separatas Iccturas artis medicina- -'- Pat. 38 Eliz. p. 10. m. 14. lis" videlicet duas in universitate -^ Pat. 12 Car. I. p. 10. N" 12. nostra Oxoniensi ac iinam in uni-
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