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Page:Fasti ecclesiae Anglicanae Volume 3.djvu/683

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GONVILLE AND CAIUS COLLEGE. 677 John Ricktxgale, S.T.P., 1423. He resigned ^'^in crastino 8^^ Benedict./' 1426. See Bishops of Chi- chester. Thomas Attwood, 1426. Thomas Boleyx, elected in 1454. Edmund Sheriffe, elected in 1472. Ob. 29th Sept. 1475- Henry Cottesly, or Costley, 1475. ^^' ^9^^ *^"^y 1483. John Barley, 1483. Edmund Stubbs, 1503. Ob. 15 14, *^'paulo post festum S. Matthsei Apostoli." William Bokenham, 15 14. Resigned in 1536. Ob. 1 8th June 1540, set. 81. John Skip, S.T.P., 1536. Resigned 25th June 1540. See Bishops of Hereford. John Sturmin, S.T.B., 1540. Thomas Bacon, S.T.B., 1552. Ob. ist Jan. 1559-60. In the year 1557, John Caius, doctor in physic, fellow of the said hall, obtained of king Philip and queen Mary a charter of confirmation, and also of foundation, of the college of Gonville and Caius, as now established in the university of Cambridge. MASTERS OF GONVILLE AND CAIUS COLLEGE. John Caius, M.D., 24th June 1559. Thomas Legge, LL.D., was appointed by his prede- cessor Caius in 1573. He died 12th July 1607, aetat. 72. See Civil Law Professors. William Branthwaite, S.T.P., 14th Dec. 1607. He died 15th Feb. 1618-19. John Gostlin, M.D., 16th Feb. 1618-19. Seo Pro- fessors of Medicine. Thomas Batchcroft, S.T.P., 1625. Deposed in 1649. William Dell, M.A., 1649. Tho.mas Hatchcrokt, restored in 1660.