Page:Fasti ecclesiae Anglicanae Volume 3.djvu/711

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INDEX NOMINUM. ABBREVIATIONS. Abp. for archbishop j archd. for archdeacon ; bp. for bishop ; burg, for burgess ; chan. for chancellor ; dn. for dean ; hon. can. for honorary canon ; mast, for master; prb, /or prebendary ; pre. /or precentor ; prin. /or principal ; proc. /or proctor; prof. /or professor; pub. orat. /or public orator; rect. /or rector ; subd. for subdean ; tax. for taxor ; treas. for treasurer ; vice-chan. for vice-chancellor. A. . . . , treas. York, i6o. Abberbury or Edderbury, Thomas, prb. York, 22 2. Abbot, Right Hon. Charles, burg. Ox- ford, 508. Abbot, Edward, mast. Magdalene coll. Cambridge, 695. Abbot, George, dn. Winchester, 22. Abbot, George, mast. University coll. Oxford, 537. Abbot, George, vice-chan. Oxford, 476, 477- Abbot, Robert, prb. Southwell, 435. Abbot, Robert, Reg. prof. div. Oxford, 509. Abbot, Robert, mast. Balliol coll. Ox- ford, 541. Abbot, William, tax. Cambridge, 644. Abbott, William, prb. York, 188. Abdy, Robert, proc. Oxford, 483. Abdy, Robert, mast. Balliol coll. Ox- ford, .540. Abendon, Henry de, ward. Merton coll. Oxford, 543. Abendon, alias Laking, Peter de, ward. Merton roll. Oxford, 543. Aberford, Henry de, |)rb. York, 176. Abcrgeyney or Bergavenny, I^hilii), prin. New-Inn hall, Oxford, 588. Abson, Joiin, prb. Southwell, 422. vol.. in. Abson, Samuel, prb. Southwell, 455, 458. Acca, bp. Hexham, 277. Acherley, John, proc. Oxford, 484. Ackworth, George, prb. Southwell, 430. Ackworth, George, pub. orat. Cam- bridge, 613. Acland, Baldwin, proc. Oxford, 493. Aclom, Robert, proc. Oxford, 480. Acome, John de, prb. York, 200. Acroid, Roger, archd. York, 134. Acroyde, Roger, prb. Southwell, 454. Adam, dn. York, 123. Adam of York, pre. York, 15.^. Adams, Fitzherbert, prb. Durham, 314, .318' 319- Adams, Fitz-Herbert, rect. Lincoln coll. Oxford, 558. Adams, Fitz-Herbert, vice-chan. Ox- ford, 478. Adams, John, prl). Southwell, 4f,7. Adams, John, can. Windsor, 406. Adams, John, prov. King's coll. Cam- bridge, 683. Adams, John, mast. Sidney Sussex coll. Cambridge, 703. Adams, John, vice-chan. Cambridge,6o9. Adams, John, vice-chan. Oxford, 474. Adams, John Couch, proc. Caml)ridge, 4X