Page:Fasti ecclesiae Anglicanae Volume 3.djvu/716

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710 INDEX Audley, Edmund, prl). York, 180. Aiidley, John, tax. Caml)ridge, 041. Audley or Audeley, Edmund, archd. East- Riding, 143. Augo, AVilliam de, pre. York, 153. Augustinis, Augustin de.prb.York, 203. Aungier, John, proc. Cambridge, 621. Aungier, John, tax. Cambridge, 635. Austen, George, proc. Oxford, 499. Austen, Ralph, ])roc. Oxford, 492. Austin, William Piercy, bp. Guiana, 337. Avenel, liritel, can. Windsor, 381. Avenel, Dionysius, archd. East- Riding, 142. Averell, John, prb. Southwell, 444. Avery, John, vice-chan. Oxford, 474. Avis, Robert, prb. Worcester, 83. Ayard or Hay aid, Wilham, prin. Mag- dalen hall, Oxford, 586. Ayde, Robert, prb. Southwell, 460. Aylesham, Rol)ert, chan. Oxford, 465. Ayliff'e or Ayloft'e, Thomas, Reg. prof. civ. law, Cambridge, 657. Aylmer, Theophilus, prb. York, 177. Ayloffe, William, pub. orat. Cambridge, 614. Ayloffe or Ayliffe, Thomas, Reg. prof. civ. law, Cambridge, 657. Aylworth, Anthony, prof. anat. Oxford, 526. Aylworth, Anthony, Reg. prof. med. Oxford, 513. Aymon of Savoy, archd. York, 132. Aynesley, Lord Charles Murray, archd. Man, 330. Aynesworth, AVilliam, prb. York, 221. Aynsworth, Oliver, proc. Cambridge, 617. Ay ns worth, Ralph , proc. Cambridge,6 1 7 . Aynsworth, Ralph, mast. Peter house, Cambridge, 668. Ayreminnc, William, (Carlisle,) 235. Ayreminne, Wm. de, prb. York, 186. Ayremynne, Richard, prb. York, 211. Ayremynne, William, {)rb. York, 200. Ayremynne, Rich, de, jjib. York, 201. Ayremynne, Wilham de, prb. York, 201, 203. Ayscough, Francis, prb. Winchester, 36. Ayscough, Robert de, chan. Cambridge, 600. B. Babbage, Charles, Luc. prof, matli. Cambridge, 662. Babbe, James, proc. Oxford, 484. Babbe, James, prin. Hart hall, Oxford, 5«2. Ba])ington, Francis, Marg. prof. div. Oxford, 518. Babington, Francis, mast. Bidliol coll. Oxford, 541. Babington, Francis, rect. Lincoln coll. Oxford, bi) / Babington, (iervase, bp. Worcester, 66. Babington, William, vice-cban. Oxford, 271. Babthorp, Robert, subdn. York, 130. Babthorpe, Richard, proc. Oxford, 481. Babthorpe, Ro])ert, jirb. York, 219. Babyngton, Francis, j)roc. Oxford, 488. Babyngton, Francis, vice-chan. Oxford, 476. Backhouse, Gilbert, prb. Worcester, 83. Backhouse, James, tax. Cambridge, 643. Backwell, Brett, tax. Cambridge, 642. Bacon, Sir Francis, burg. Cambridge, 649. Bacon, John, prb. York, 182, 194, 226. j Bacon, John, archd. Richmond, 138. I Bacon, Nath., Ijurg. Cambridge, 649. Bacon, Roger, })rl). Southwell, 432. I Bacon, Roger, prb. York, 169. I Bacon, Thomas, mast. Gonville hall, I Cambridge, 677.

Bacon or Bakton, Roger de, subdn.

! York, 129. Badew, Richard, chan. Camljridgc, 600. Badewe, Rich., chan. Cambridge, 597. Badewe, Richard de, chan. Cambridge, 598. Bagg, William, proc. Cambridge, 624. Baggard, Thomas, prb. Worcester, 79. Baghe, Thomas, archd. Surrey, 30. Bagley, William, tax. Cambridge, 638. Bagnall, John, proc. Cambridge, 627. Bagot, J^ewis, dn. Christ Church, Ox- ford, 571, Bagot, Hon. Rich., can. Windsor, 414. Bagot, Richard, prb. Worcester, 81. Bagot, Simon, proc. Cambridge, 617. Bagot, sir Walter Wagstaffe, burg. Ox- ford, 507. Bagshaw, C'hristopher, prin. Worcester coll. Oxford, 580. Bagshaw, Henry, prb. Durham, 317. Bagshaw, Henry, prb. Southwell, 425. Bagshaw, Henry, prb. York, 171, 188. Bagwell, John, proc. Oxford, 496. Bailey, Richard, pre. Carlisle, 251. Bailie, Walter, iirof. anat. Oxford, 526. Bailie, Walter, Reg. prof. med. Oxford, BaiUie, Charles, archd. Cleveland, 149. Baillie, John. prb. York, 227. Baily, Thomas, proc. Cambridge, 618.