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Page:Fasti ecclesiae Anglicanae Volume 3.djvu/724

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718 INDEX Bloys or Blois or Bleys, William of, bp. Worcester, 51. Blund, John, chan. York, 163. Blunt John James, Marg. prof. div. Cambri(lf,fe, 655. Blunt, Thomas, ])rb. Southwell, 458. Blunt, alias Warner, Henry, can. Wind- sor, 378. Blyburgh, William dc, prb. York, 190, 204. Blyth, George, proc. Cambridge, 618. Blyth, John, proc. Cambridge, 617. Blyth, John, Reg. prof. phys. Cam- bridge, 658. Blyth, John, archd. Richmond, 140. Blyth, Samuel, proc. Cambridge, 625. Blythe, (ieoHrey, archd. Cleveland, 147. Blythe, Geoffrey, dn. York, 125. Blythe, Hugh, can. Windsor, 396. Blythe, James, can. Windsor, 393. Blythe, John, prb. York, 202. Blythe, John, chan. Cambridge, 600. Blythe, Thomas, proc. Cambridge, 617. Blythe or Blith, Geoffrey, prb. York, 216. Boawre, Wm., proc. Cambridge, 629. Bocher or Butcher, William, ])res. Cor- pus Christi coll. Oxford, 566. Bodeham, William de, archd. Notting- ham, 150. Bodley, Thomas, proc. Oxford, 489. Boiton or Boyton, Henry de, chan. Cambridge, 597. Bokelly, alias Flandreyn, Richard de, can. Windsor, 378. Bokenham, William, mast. Gonville Hall Cambridge, 677. Bokenham, William, vdce-chan. Cam- bridge, 603. Bokkyng, William, proc. Oxford, 484. Bold, Henry, proc. Oxford, 494. Bold, James, archd. Northumberland, 307- Bol(lero,Edmund, mast. Jesus coll.Cdm- ])ridge, 688. Boldero, Edmund, vice-chan. Cam- bridge, 607. Boldero, John, proc. Cambridge, 627. liolen, Wm., archd. Winchester, 26. liolestrede, Adam de, prb. Southwell, 423- Boleyn, Thomas, mast. Gonville hall, Cambridge, 677. l^oleyn or Bulleyn,Geo.,prb. York, 220. liolton, Robert, j)roc. (Cambridge, 616. Jiolton, Robert, dn. Carlisle, 247. liolton, Samuel, mast. Christ's coll. Cambridge, 690. Bolton, Samuel, vice-chan. Cambridge, 607. Bolton, Stephen, proc. Cambridge, 629. Bolyn, William, prb. York, 216. liond, Henry John Hayles, Reg. prof, phys. Cambridge, 659. Bond, John, mast. Trinity hall, Cam- bridge, 680. Bond, John, vice-chan. Cambridge, 607. Bond, Nich., prb. Westminster, 354. Bond, Nicholas, pres. Magdalen coll. Oxford, 562. Bond, Nich., 'ice-chan. Oxford, 476. Bond, Richard or Robert, prin. New- Inn hall, Oxford, 588. Bondeby, Andrew, subd. York, 129. Bonetemi)s, Wm., can. Windsor, 385. Boniere, William, prb. Southwell, 429. Boniface, prb. York, 198. Bonifaunt, alias Twynge, Thomas, vice- chan. Oxford, 472. Bonner, Matthew, proc. Cambridge, 624. Bonney, Thomas Haye, proc. Cam- bridge, 632. Bonyngworth, Thomas, vice-chan. Ox- ford, 471. Boor, John, can. Windsor, 381. Boord, John, Reg. prof. civ. law, Cam- bridge, 657. Boord, John, tax. Cambridge, 638. Boorton, John Drew, proc. Cambridge, 632. Boorton, Robert, proc. Oxford, 4S4. Boost or Bost, Henry, prov. Eton, 342. Boost or Bost, Henry, prov. Queen's coll. Oxford, 552. Booth, Chas. Everard, prb. York, 223. Booth, John, prb, York, 209. Booth, John, proc. Oxford, 486. Booth, Laurence, chan. Cambridge, 600. Booth, Peniston, can. Windsor, 40J. Booth, Penyston, dn. Windsor, 376. Booth, Roljert, archd. Northumber- land, 308. Boothby, Brooke, prb. Southwell, 421, 43 1' 434- Boothby, Charles, prb. Southwell, 431. Boothe, Robert, archd. Durham, 305. Boothe, Wm., chan. Cambridge, Ooo. Boothe, Bothe or Bathe, Laurence, archd. Richmond, 140. Boothouse, Rich., tax. Cambridge, 643. Bore, John, prb, York, 202. Boreman or Bourman, Robert, prb. Westminster, 361. Borlase, George, prof. mor. theol. Cam- bridge, 663. Borrett. John, proc. Oxford, 498.