Page:Fasti ecclesiae Anglicanae Volume 3.djvu/732

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720 INDEX Cantiliipe, Walter de, bp. Worcester, 52. Canutus or de Crecklade, Ro])ert, chan. Oxford, 463. Capcotes, John, vice-chan. Cambridge, 605. Capcotes or Copcot, John. mast. Cor- pus Christi coll. (Cambridge, 681. Cape, Josej)h, tax. Cambridge, 648. Capella, Roger de, prb. Southwell, 423. Capon, William, mast. Jesus coll. Cam- bridge, 688. Capun, W., proc. Cambridge, 615. Cardwell, Edward, i)rof. anc. hist. Ox- ford, 526. Cardwell, Edward, prin. Alban hall, Oxford, 592. Cnrew, George, dn. Christ Church, Ox- ford, 568. Carew, Ro])ert, prin. Hart hall, Oxford, 582. Carew, Roger, prin. New-Inn hall, Oxford, 588. Carewe, George, can. Windsor, 395. Carewe, George, dn. Windsor, 374. Carey, Richard, prb. York, 197. Carey, Valentine, mast. Christ's coll. Cambridge, 690. Carey, Valentine, vice-chan. Cambridge, 606. Carey, William, prb. Westminster, 369. Carey, William, prb. York, 197. Carleton, Gerard, prb, Westminster, 358. Carleton, Guy, proc. Oxford, 493. Carleton, Guy, ])rb. Durham, 319. Carleton, Guy, dn. Carlisle, 247. Carleton, John, prb. York, 173, 209. Carleton, John de, archd. Northumber- land, 306. Carlile, or Karlell, Thomas de, prov. Queen's coll. Oxford, 552. Carliol, Henry de, archd. Carlisle, 249. Carlos, James, tax. Cambridge, 644. Carlyle, Joseph Dacre, chan. Carlisle, 251. Carlyle, Joseph Dacre, prof. Arab. Cam- bridge, 661. Carmelian, Peter, archd. Gloucester, 78. Carmeliano, Peter, j)rb. York, 169. ('arne, Edward, prb. York, 1S6. CarnebuU, Henry, prb. York, 187, 202. Carp, Jolin, })rb. York, 172, 207. Carj), John (le, prb. York, 198. Carpender, William, proc. Oxford, 494. Carpender, William, prof. mor. i)hil. Oxford, 523. Carpenter, Henry, can. Windsor, 403. Carpenter, John, prov. Oriel coll. Ox- ford, 549. Carpenter, John, chan. Oxford, 467. (Carpenter, John, bj). Worcester, 61. Carpenter, Richard, ])rin. New-Inn hall, Oxford, 588. Carj)enter, William, prb. Southwell, 416, 4 -,9. I Carr, Alan, proc. Oxford, 495. Carr, Nicholas, Reg. prof. Greek, Cam- bridge, 660. Carr, Robert James, bp. Worcester, 69. Carr, Thomas, bp. Bombay, 336. Carre, Richard, mast. Magdalene coll. Cambridge, 694. Carre, Thomas, prb. Durham, 311. Carrington, Gervase, prb. Worcester, 87. Carswell, John, Sav. prof, astron. Ox- ford, 522. Carswell, John, bp. Sodor, 325. Carter, Benjamin, prb. Southwell, 458. Carter, Edmund, prb. Southwell, 441. Carter, George, proc. Oxford, 497. Carter, George, prov. Oriel coll. Ox- ford, 551. Carter, John, archd. Chester, 266. Carter, Robert, proc. Oxford, 486. Carter, Samuel Robert, tax. Cam- bridge, 648. Carter, Thomas, proc. Cambridge, 630. Carter, William, archd. Northumber- land, 307. Carteret, Robert de, doyen de Jersey, 23. Cartmell, James, mast. Christ's coll. Cambridge, 690. Cartmell, James, vice-chan. Cambridge, 613. Cartwright, Clement, proc. Oxford, 501 . Cartwright, Hugh, prb. Southwell, 445. Cartwright, John, prb. Worcester, 88. Cartwright, Thomas, prb. Durham, 3 13. Cartwright, Thomas, Marg. prof. div. Cambridge, 654. Cartwright, Thomas, dn. Ripon, 332. Cartwright, Thomas, bp. Chester, 261. (/artwright, William, proc. Oxford, 493. Carus, William, ])rb. Winchester, 38. Carver, John, h. Worcester, 86. Car'er, John, prb. York, 216, 224. Carver, John, archd. Surrey, 31. Carver, John, archd. York, 134. Gary, William, i)rb. York, 172. Caryl, Linford, ])rb. Southwell, 431. Caryl, Lyndford, mast. Jesus coll. Cam- bridge, 689. Caryl, I^ynford, vice-chan. Cambridge, 610. Caryl, Timothy, prb. Southwell, 455. Castcley, Thos., jiroc. Cambridge, 632. Castell, John, proc. Oxford, 480.