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N M 1 N U M. 731 Cocks or Cox, Rich,, can. Windsor, 394. Cockshut,Thomas, prb. Southwell, 417. Cockys, John, vice-chan. Oxford, 474. Codyngton, Henry de, prb. Southwell, 447- Coena or Aethelberht, abp. York, 94. Coenwalch, Kynewold or Coenwald, bp. Worcester, 47. Coenwald, bp. Worcester, 47. Coga, Nathaniel, proc. Cambridge, 625. Coga, Nathaniel, mast. Pembroke coll. Cambridge, 675. Coga, Nathaniel, vice-chan. Cambridge, 607. Coilli, Henry de, (York,) 98. Cokayne, William, proc. Oxford, 499. Coke, alias Stanford, Roger, prb. Wor- cester, 86. Coker, John, proc. Oxford, 501. Coker, John, prof.mor.phil. Oxford, 524. Cokk, Alexander, archd. Carhsle, 249. Cokkes, William, can. Windsor, 390. Cokks, Wilhara, proc. Cambridge, 616. Cokkys, Laurence, 'ice-chan. Oxford, 473- Cokkys, Lawrence, vice-chan. Oxtord, 473- ^ . , Cokkys, William, can. Windsor, 389. Colbatch, John, prof. mor. theol. Cam- bridge, 663. Colby, Wilham de, prb. York, 196. Colby, Wilham de, dn. York, 122. Coldale, John, vice-chan. Oxford, 473. Cole, Arthur, proc. Oxford, 487. Cole, Arthur, pres. Magdalen coll. Ox- ford, 562. Cole, Benjamin Thomas Halcott, proc. Cambridge, 633. Cole, Henry, prb. Westminster, 357. Cole, Henry, proc. Eton, 343. Cole, Henry, ward. New coll. Oxford, 555- Cole, John, prb. York, 223. Cole, John, proc, Oxford, 501. Cole, John, rect. Exeter coll. Oxford, 547- Cole, John, vice-chan. Oxford, 479. Cole, Nathaniel, j)roc. Caml^ridge, 620. Cole, Ralph, chan. Oxford. 463. Cole, 'i'homaw, jjrb. York, 193. Cole, ThomoH, pub. orat. Oxford, 534, Cole, ThomaH, archd. East- Riding, 144. Cole, Thomas, prin. St. Mary hall, (Jx- ford, 5H5. Cole, Williutii, jjib. WestrninHler, 368. Cole, William, i)rb. Winchchtcr, 43. ('ole, William, pres. Corpus Christi coll. Oxford, :-/}6. Cole, William, vice-chan. Oxford, 476. Cole or Coole, Arthur, can. Windsor, 393- Colebrand,Rich.,prb.W^estminster,36i. Coleire, Richard, proc. Oxford, 496. Colenso, John Wilham, tax. Cambridge, 648. Colenso, John William, bp. Natal, 339. Colepepper, Martin, vice-chan, Oxford, 476. Colepepper or Culpepper, Martin, ward. New coll. Oxford, 555. Coleridge,William Hart, bp. Barbadoes and the Leeward Islands, 337. Colhame, Richard, prb. York, 217. Collier, William, Reg. prof. Heb. Cam- bridge, 659. CoUignon, Charles, prof. anat. Cam- bridge, 664. Colhngwood,William, prb. Chester, 269. Collins, Daniel, can. Windsor, 401. Collins, John, proc. Oxford, 499. Colhns, John, Reg. prof. phys. Cam- bridge, 658. Colhns, Martin, prb. York, 167, 179. Collins, Martin, pre. York, 156. Collins, Samuel, Reg. prof. div. Cam- bridge, 656. Collins, Samuel, prov. King's coll. Cambridge, 683. Collinson,John,hon. can. Durham, 320. Collinson, Obadiah, proc. Cambridge, 625. Collinson, Septimus, prb.Worcester,85. Collinson, Septimus, Marg. . prof. div. Oxford, 519. Collinson, Septimus, prov. Queen's coll. Oxford, 553. Collum, Richard, prb. York, 219. Collyng, Richard, proc. Oxford, 480. Collyng, William, proc. Oxford, 481. Collyngson, Lancelot, j)rb. York, 224. Collyns, Martin, treas. York, 162. Collynson, Lancelot, treas. York, 162. Colman, bp. Lindisfarne, 276. Colman, Robert, chan. Oxford, 467. Colman, William, proc. Cambridge, 630. Colman, William, mast. Corpus Christi coll. Cambridge, 6S2. Colman, William, vice-chan. Cambridge, 611. (.'olmcr, Clement, proc. Oxford, 489. ('olrncr, Jasper, proc. Oxforil, 490. (Jolmor, ('k'int'ut, prb. Durham, 318, (.'oliiet, John, j)rb. ^Ork, 176. (y'olKon, .John, Luc. prof. math. Cam- bridge, 662. Colston, Henry, lax. Cambridge, 645. 5 A 2