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734 INDEX Corrie, Daniel, bp. Madras, 336. Corrie, George Ehves, Norr. prof. div. Cambridge, 665. Corrie, George Ehves, mast. Jesus coll. Cambridge, 689. Corrie, George Ehves, vice-chan. Cam- bridge, 613. Corte, William, proc. Oxford, 483. Corun, R. de, prb. York, 203, 205. Cory, John, tax. Cambridge, 639. Cory, Robert Towerson, tax. Cam- bridge, 645. Cory, Robert Towerson, i)rof. mor. theol. Cambridge, 663. Cory, Robert Towerson, mast. Em- manuel coll. Cambridge, 702. Cory, Robert Towerson, vice-chan. Cambridge, 611, 612. Coryet, George, prb. York, 221. Coryngdon, John, can. Windsor, 388. Corynham, Rich, de, archd. York, 133. Corynham or Coringham, John, can. Windsor, 384. Cosin, Edmund, proc. Cambridge, 617. Cosin, Edmund, mast. Catharine hall, Cambridge, 687. Cosin, Edmund, vice-chan. Cambridge, 604. Cosin, John, ju'b. Durham, 318. Cosin, John, archd. East-Riding, 144. Cosin, John, mast. Peter house, Cam- bridge, 669. Cosin, Jolin, vice-chan. Cambridge, 606. Cosin, John, bp. Durham, 296. Costard, George, proc. Oxford, 499. Costley or Cottesly, Henry, mast. Gon- ville hall, Cambridge, 677. Cosyn, Thomas, Marg. prof. div. Cam- bridge, 653. Cosyn, Thomas, mast. Corpus Christi coll. Cambridge, 681. Cosyn, Thomas, chan. Cambridge, 600. Cotes, Digby, })ub.orat. Oxford, 535. Cotes, Digby, prin. Magdalen hall, Ox- ford, 587. Cotes, George, prl), Chester, 26S. Cotes, George, j)roc. Oxford, 487. Cotes, George, archd. Chester, 266. Cotes, (leorge, bp. Chester, 258. Cotes, Roger, Plum. prof, astron. Cam- bridge, 66 -^. Cotes, Thomas, proc. Oxford, 481. Cotesford, Thomas, ])rb. York, 167. Cott, John, tax. Cambridge, 644. Cottesly or Costley, Henry, mast. Gon- ville hall, Cambridge, 677. Cottington, James, archd. Surrey, 30. Cotton, George, dn. Chester, 265. Cotton, Henry, ])rb. Winchester 36. Cotton, Richard Lynch, prov. Worces- ter coll. Oxford, 581. Cotton, Richard Lynch, vice-chan. Ox- ford, 479. Cottyng, John, proc. Cambridge, 616. Cottyngham, Robert de, prb. York, 186. Cottysford, John, proc. Oxford, 486. Cottysford, John, rect. Lincoln coll. 557- Cottysford, John, vice-chan. Oxford, 475- Cotys or Cootes, George, mast. Balliol coll. Oxford, 540. Coulson, John, proc. Oxford, 499. Coultman, John, prb. York, 167. Coulton, Ralph, prb. York, 193. Coulton, Ralph, archd. Cleveland, 148. Courtail, John, proc. Cambridge, 629. Courtenay, Peter, bp. Winchester, 15. Courtenay, Richard, prb. York, 203. Courtenay, AVilliam de, prb. York, 168. Courteney, Peter, can. Windsor, 372. Courteney, Richard, chan. Oxford, 466. Courtney, Richard, chan. Oxford, 466. Courtney, William, chan. Oxford, 465. Couteur, Clement le, doyen de Jersey, 24. Couteur, Philippe le, doyen de Jersey, 24. Couton, Elyas de, prb. Southwell, 437. Covell, John,vice-chan. Cambridge, 608. Covell or Cowell, John, mast. Chriist's coll. Cambridge, 690. Coveney, Thomas, proc. Oxford, 488. Coveney, Thomas, pres. Magdalen coll. Oxford, 562. Coveney, Thomas, prin. Magdalen hall, Oxford, 586. Covil, John, chan. York, 165. Covil, John, vice-chan. Cambridge, 608. Cowel, John, proc. Cambridge, 618, 620, Cowel, John, Reg. prof. civ. law, Cam- bridge, 657. Cowel, John, vice-chan. Cambridge, 605. Cowell, John, mast. Trinity hall, Cam- bridge, 679. Cowell or Covell, John, mast. Christ's coll. Cambridge, 690. Cowper, Hon. Spencer, dn. Durham, 300. Cowj)er, Thomas, bj). Winchester, 18. Cowse, Walter, prin. Hart hall, Oxford, r,^2, 583. Cox, John, proc. Oxford, 498. Cox, Richanl, dn. Christ Church Ox- ford, 568.