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Page:Fasti ecclesiae Anglicanae Volume 3.djvu/742

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736 INDEX Creyke, Stephen, prb. York, 206. Creyke, Stephen, archd. York, 135. Crick, Thomas, pub. orat. Cambiidge, 615. Crigan, Claudius, bp. Sodor and Man, 328. Crispe, Andrew, prof. mor. phil. Ox- ford, 523. Crispyne, Edmund, ])roc. Oxford, 488. Crobrow, Samuel, prb. Southwell, 430. Crobrow, Samuel, ])r]). York, 225. Croft, Herbert, can. Windsor, 402. Croft, Herbert, prb. Worcester, 86. Croft, John, ])roc. Cambridge, 633. Croft, Robert, prb. York, 177, 214. Croft, Thomas Hutton, prb. York, 214. Croft or Craft, William, proc. Oxford, 484. Croftes, Richard, burg. Cambridge, 65 1 . Croftys, George, proc. Oxford, 486. Croke, Charles, proc. Oxford, 491. Crompton, James, proc. Cambridge, 626. Crompton, James, tax. Cambridge, 639, Crompton, sir I'homas, burg. Oxford, 505- Cromwell, Lord Henry, burg. Cam • bridge, 649. Cromwell, Oliver, chan, Oxford, 469. Cromwell, Lord Richard, burg. Cam- bridge, 650. Cromwell, Richard, chan. Oxford, 469. Cromwell, Tho., chan. Cambridge, 601. Crook, Richard, Reg. prof. Greek, Cam- bridge, 660. Crook, Richard, pub. orat. Cambridge, 613. Crooke, John, prb. Winchester, 33. Crophill, John de, prb. Southwell, 462. Cropley, Harbord, ta. Cambridge, 641. Crosley, John, tax. Cambridge, 644. Cross, , prb. Winchester, 41. Cross, Joshua, proc. Oxfoid, 493. Cross, Thos., ])rl). York, 20S, 221, 222. Cross, Thomas, proc. Cambridge, 627. Crosse, Joshua, })rof. nat. })hil. Oxford, 520. Crosse, Robert, Reg. prof. div. Oxford, 509. Crosse, Thomas, tax. Cambridge, 641. Crosse, Thomas, mast. Catharine hall, Cambridge, 687. Crosse, Thomas, vice-chan. Cambridge, 609. Crosslcy, Thos., archd. Cleveland, 147. Crossley, Thomas, archd. Nottingham, 151. Crosthwait, James, prb. ork, 218. Crosthwaite, Thomas, proc. Oxford, 495. Crosthwayte, Thomas, prin. Edmund 1 hall, Oxford, 594. Crotch, William, prof. mus. Oxford, 528. Croten, William, prin. St. Mary hall, Oxford, 584. i Crouch, Ca?sar, j)roc. Cambridge, 626. ! Crouch, Cccsar, tax. Cambridge, 640. I Crouch, James Frederick, proc. Ox- I ford, 504. Crouch, Thomas, proc. Cambridge, 623, 624. Crouch, Thos., burg. Cambridge, 650. Crowbrough, Samuel, archd. Notting- ham, 152. Crowbrow, Samuel, prb. York, 180. Crowe, Wm., pub. orat. Oxford, 536. Crownfield, Henry, tax. Cambridge, 642. Crowther, Joseph, prb. Worcester, 86. Crowther, Joi«eph, Reg. prof. Greek, Oxford, 516. Crowther, Joseph, prin. St. Mary hall, Oxford, 585. CrowtoUjWiUiam, prb. Southwell, 416. Crowton, William, proc. Oxford, 482. Croyden, Wilham, proc. Cambridge, 623, 624. Crull, Robert, prb. York, 187. Crumbewell, Rich, de, ])rb. York, 225. Crusius, Lewis, ])rb. Worcester, 80. Cudberct, bp. Lindisfarne, 277. Cudworth, Jeremiah, prb. Southwell, 422. Cudworth, Ralph, Reg. prof. Heb. Cam- bridge, 659. Cudworth, Ralph, mast. Christ's coll. Cambridge, 690. Cudworth, Ralph, mast. Clare hall, Cambridge, 671. Cuffe, Henry, proc. Oxford, 490. Cuffe, Henry, Reg. prof. Greek, Ox- ford, 516. Culpepper or Colepepper, Martin, ward. New coll. Oxford, 55,(5. Gumming, James, proc. Cambridge, 633. (vumming, James, tax. Cambridge, 647, Gumming, James, prof. chem. Cam- bridge, 663. Cumpton, Richard de, prb. Southwell, 461. Cureton, Wm., prb. Westminster, 370. Curia ^L1jori or Curte-Major, Simon de, prl). Southwell, 4',8. Curie, Walter, bp. Winchester, 19. Currey, James, proc. Cambridge. 632. (^irrie, Charles, ])roc. Cambridge, 634. Currie, Charles, tax. Cambridge, 648. Curte-Major or Curia Majori, Simon de, prb, Southwell, 458.